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Forum Post: Personal Proposed Agenda For Activism on the part of OWS

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 8 p.m. EST by lordnikon (2)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

  1. pressure SEC to prevent banks that defraud investors from settling with no responsibility
  2. blacklist immoral financial institutions
    • citigroup
    • jp morgan/chase
    • merill lynch
    • freddie mac/frannie mae
    • credit suisse
    • goldman sachs
  3. stop using products that support corporations who intentionally corrupt government
    • all store bought cigarettes
    • all store bought alcohol
    • any soda beverages
    • mcdonalds
  4. stop blindly following leaders who cannot logically explain actions
  5. constantly question local government and authorities (police, movement leaders, lawmakers, license boards)
  6. actively participate in local city councils
  7. learn the workings of the stock markets
  8. stop voting republican and democrat
  9. stop listening to broadcast radio (Clear Channel Ent.)
  10. be activists, not idealists
  11. dress to be taken seriously. marijuana laws changed in canada because marc emery challenged laws, spent his time in prison, put on a suit and talked to the government.

change is needed, quit bitching and start influencing change.



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