Forum Post: Permits
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 12:51 p.m. EST by publicus1
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Has the National Lawyers Guild who are apparently at the protests made any attempt to obtain the necessary Public Health permits to get portable toilets, clean water and sanitation services in the park?
7-4.2 Permit required to hold or promote a mass gathering; application, issuance, revocation, posting.
(a) No person shall hold or promote, by advertising or otherwise, a mass gathering unless a permit has been issued for the gathering by the permit-issuing official. (b) Application for a permit to promote or hold a mass gathering shall be made to the permit-issuing official, on a form and in a manner prescribed by the State Commissioner of Health, by the person who will promote or hold the mass gathering. Application for a permit to promote or hold a mass gathering shall be made at least 15 days before the first day of advertising and at least 45 days before the first day of the gathering. Water and sewage facilities shall be constructed and operational not later than 48 hours before the first day of the mass gathering. The application shall be accompanied by such plans, reports and specifications as the permit-issuing official shall deem necessary. The plans, reports and specifications shall provide for adequate and satisfactory water supply and sewerage facilities, adequate drainage, adequate toilet and lavatory facilities, adequate refuse storage and disposal facilities, adequate sleeping areas and facilities, wholesome food and sanitary food service, adequate medical facilities, insect and noxious weed control, adequate fire protection, and such other matters as may be appropriate for security of life or health. (c) A separate permit shall be required for each mass gathering. (d) A permit may be revoked by the permit-issuing official or the State Commissioner of Health if he finds that the mass gathering for which the permit was issued is maintained, operated or occupied in violation of law, this Title, or the sanitary code of the health district in which the mass gathering is located. A permit may be revoked upon request of the operator or upon abandonment of operation. (e) A permit issued for the operation of a mass gathering shall be posted or kept on file and made available by the operator on request.