Forum Post: Permanent Tax Cuts For the Wealthy! WTF!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 11:35 a.m. EST by HitGirl
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That is the latest Republican offer on the Super Committee: Significant cuts to Social Security and Medicare with some token revenue by limiting deductions. And they call that a fair offer.
These people are toxic. Vote them out!
Yes. They need to go.
Damn straight!
No cuts to Social Security!!!!!
Are these people crazy?
The one thing the government does for us that's worth anything...Social Security RULES! No cuts to Social Security!!!!!
Lift the cap on FICA and 40% to the top 10%!!!!!
Cuts to MediCare are ignorant too.
WTF is wrong with republicans?
This is why the actions taken need to be against washington
Follow the money.
They've already achieved that for corporations.
REVEALED: The 30 American Companies That Paid Less Than $0 In Income Tax Over The Last 3 Years
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That's just not right. It's tyranny!
I AGREE !! It is time for a change - Like a Direct Democracy -
Thousands are marching on Wall Street right now!
however, all citizens have long ago been forcefully INCORPORATED, this is the basis for the 2010 SCOTUS ruling that actual atrificial entities are entitled to the same rights as citizens.... as WE too are artificial entities, not entitled to the same rights as a natural man.
Note on your mail, who uses all upper case letters to spell you name and who doesn't.
Check it out, breaux
So does that mean that I don't have to pay taxes like these "people"?
REVEALED: The 30 American Companies That Paid Less Than $0 In Income Tax Over The Last 3 Years
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Who is a "natural man" ....................... the 1%? Must be. Their rights are different than the rest of us. They have rights - we don't ............. At least for now!
Research and you will learn the answers to these questions.
You think it is all the Republicans? There are crazy rich Dems also. All these folks write the tax codes. Why would rich people in power write a fair tax code? Think about that. There are Zillionaire Dems out there. Why do you think they are so rich?
There are Dino's and there are Rino's out there but the fact remains that it is the Republicans that are making this disgusting, lopsided offer and the Democrats that are preventing this from becoming a toxic reality.
Say anything and they will believe it. pure propaganda
There's a link to the story, Einstein. But I imagine you're referring to the story. There are news sources you can trust. It's not all FOX out there.
maybe you should read the whole article instead of the first 5 lines
I've read it. I'm not impressed.
Depending on the loopholes cut, this may not be bad.
Have any of you ever filed long form with a Schedule C, and other schedules?
I have since I was taught how.
There is no reason for any enlightened person, making less than 250,000/year, to ever have tax liability by just playing The Game, by their rules.
Now, this is a wickedly effective trump card the 99% hold. If half played it (W2 workers get business license and file long form), it would be a results gleaning and head turning tax revolt.
The DC puppets are praying this never happens..... and it should have already.........
Pat Toomey does not inspire my confidence in the plan. He is as bad as Ryan.
Well regardless, even if their stop-gap, time-buying ideas are remotely viable, the system is corrupt and FUBAR.
It seems remarkably inefficient, but I still prefer it to an efficient tyranny. We the People need to get the money out AND make sure it never returns. We need a constitutional amendment.
A constitutional amendment is too late, it's very direct language has been imputed lightly and perversely so, in order to serve the masters of this planet.
I do believe a Constitutional Convention will be the only way, short of bloodshed, to reclaim the people's government, and the Highest Law of the Land, the US Constitution.
No need to be partisan, most of the dems on the supercommittee will probably sign the tax cuts off with glee.
And that is the truth.
dems are emasculate, spineless, gormless fools who have no bargaining power and no ability to arm twist the reps into any kind of agreement whatsoever. with the american public secured in the trammels of a guillotine and the reps in control of the trigger, the reps have the dems wrapped around their little finger.
I wish they would just phase out SS and Medicare all together. All this messing with it is just making things worse down the road. People should be saving for their own retirement, and if poor enough they can get welfare and have to live with that stigma.
The majority of Americans don't agree. It is an insurance policy that we pay into and there's no corporate CEO making billions off it.
How about we make it opt in then? If it's really so great, why do we have to force people to pay into it?
Because it has to be paid for.
But if it's so great then nearly everyone will want to sign up for it anyways and then it will be paid for.
So again, if it's such a great idea, why do we have to force people to do it?
Because people can be greedy, self-centered pigs when it comes to money.
You mean self interested? You mean that thing that kinda keeps us alive too. So you're saying we need to have government put a gun to our heads because we're too stupid to do what's best for ourselves.
Yeah, I don't think so. I decide what happens to my earnings, the government really needs to stay out of it. They need only do things that promote economic growth. Hand holding needs to end.
Why don't you join your buddies Hitler and Stalin in the ash-heap of history. When you've convinced the majority of Americans that your not just a greedy self-centered throw-back maybe I'll listen to your opinions.
Yeah I'm sooo greedy because I need to feed and house my family FIRST instead of having my earnings stolen to feed and house everyone else.
Have you ever actually earned anything in your life, or has it all been handed to you by someone else?
If you don't fight for a just society, you're not likely to have one. And the injustice will catch up to you sooner or later. Nobody is being taxed so that they can't feed their family and you know it.