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Forum Post: Performance Piece Idea

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 12:29 p.m. EST by tomp (29)
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While the movement starts to get grounded more in concrete demands / exciting labor unions and other organizations, I came up with an idea for a performance piece, a piece symbolizing corporate greed and Wall Street taking over.

What's needed: A bed, rope, boom-box, "The Amazing Sounds of Orgy" by Radiohead, a woman, posters, and a male dancer in a suit with a mask on.

Basically, the performance would be the male dancer, representing corporate greed and oppression, free-style dancing to this song (think seductive and calculated). The song itself, if you look at the lyrics, has a lot to do with our cause ("The day the banks collapse on us /// Cease this endless chattering /// Like everything is fine /// When sorry is not good enough").

The woman, representing liberty and democracy, will lie helplessly on the bed, tied to the bedposts and struggling to break free.

All the while, a person will be showing different posters explaining exactly what the banks did on Wall Street that was so bad (i.e. sub-prime mortgages, excessive executive compensations, etc.) in a very solemn and serious manner.

Around two minutes and twenty seconds into the song, the male will stop his dancing, make his way to the bed, and pretend to start hitting the helpless woman. He will stand tall on the bed, as if he has conquered democracy and made it his plaything.

Performances such as these are the best way of garnering people's attention. The image of the helpless woman is also very strong imagery, used quite frequently in the 19th century when the people wished to overthrow their oppressive governments. Often times, it worked.

Note: there should be a disclaimer of some kind, i.e. "this is a performance"



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[-] 1 points by 666isMONEY (348) 13 years ago

I like the idea of street theater. I also like the idea of printing up our own funny-money, something like this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/666_is_money/3075326759