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Forum Post: $$$ PERFECT SYMBOL FOR PROTEST $$$ I hope someone with pull reads this

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 2:27 p.m. EST by Kptnkhaos (6)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The biggest problem today is the difference and distance between the haves and have nots. Income disparity is a its largest margin since the great depression. There is a beautiful and simple graph that can be found online, I saw it yesterday on Joe Scarborough show, that perfectly illustrates this travesty. The graph represents the last 100+ years from left to right with two huge peaks at the times of greatest disparity, one in the twenties, and the other begining in the eighties with its peak now. I can vision a sea of signs and banners, with a simple SOLID RED LINE with two peaks, burning a simple image and a simple message into the hearts and minds of the millions watching on tv and online, here and around the world. That message is that we nead to come down the front side of that mountain to sanity and a just future.



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[-] 1 points by Kptnkhaos (6) 13 years ago

This is exactly what occupiers need something to rally around get everyone going in same direction and shut up repubs about a coherent message