Forum Post: Perfect (nearly) Communism in America exists
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 4, 2012, 10:33 p.m. EST by yarichin
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
What if I told you the government already has tested a successful system in which everyone can be cared for. A nearly perfect communism. THE MILITARY. All members and their families have health care for free. Education is free. There is a minimum standard of housing based on the size of your family. Young single people share a kitchen and bathroom, they have private bedrooms. Higher ranking single people have private apartments. Married couples have homes based on family size, not on income. The higher you rise in the system through your hard work and social skills the more you get. But EVERYONE gets a place to live, enough food, free medical care, and the chance to advance. Think about having all your basic needs covered. Your motivation to work is to make your life BETTER not just to stay alive.
too bad all this is paid for with civilian tax dollars, and you have to kill other people for a living
Obviously the original poster has never had any military experience.
They get all that in return for their freedom, nothing is free. Especially things from government.
Also the military is a very top down organization and there isnt alot of room for personal liberety. You have to do what you are told and I'm not sure that a military model is the best way to organize a society.
What exactly do you mean by personal liberty?
Like being able to do pretty much what you want to do when you want to do it. People that are in the military are pretty much owned by the government they have to follow orders. Civilians have the freedom to do what they want. The military is a very totalitarian organization. No body is going to ask your opinion on wether or not you should bomb this or shoot that.
I'll grant you that this is true the majority of the time but I think there are paid leaves you can take to do whatever you want legally. The military controls you but also gives you self respect and discipline.
That last part is the foundation of the military. There are some cases where questioning orders is frowned upon in the military but is a good thing. Case and point, my father in the navy was told to climb a mast in the middle of a lightning storm to replace one lightbulb.
I understand what you are saying. My grandfather was in the army for 25 years and my father was drafted for two. I just dont think its a good idea to set up a society that way.
Oh I completely agree. It would be a terrible idea and some people just do not do well under that kind of authority.
where there is communism there are always zionist jews, talmudists, nation wreckers, zionist bankers/criminals, foolish Christian lackeys like Bush, Biden, etc. who are willing to go along with the satanic plan and other psychopaths (does this sound like the USA today?)....could care less about the neo nazis but it's a fact that hitler was trying to deport jews out of Germany and the surrounding areas because he was well aware of what happened to Russia - the Bolshevik jews in charge (Trotsky and Lenin) had murdered millions of christians (everyone seems to forget the gulags - wasn't that long ago).....folks we are hop scotching around the issues here.....lets get real before this country is devoured by the christian zionists and jewish elites...
The military is socialized just like all Federal Employees, State Employees and local government employees. Private Unions are also socialized although to a lesser degree.
id like it better if i was noah, and none of you were here on my earth, just think if i was the first man on earth and lived to be 10,000 years old, all of you would be paying me, rent, oil rights, and water rights! Hypocrates all!
If the military was communist everyone would have the same ranking.
Not exactly true about the housing. At least not when my husband was in the Army... You have to reach a certain rank to receive a housing grant. Lower ranks pay for their family's housing if they follow them.
All military with dependents are entitled to BAH basic allowance for housing. rank increases the amount.
Yes, however, when we were stationed in Germany we were not entitled to live in Army housing. And once I joined my husband my allotment ceased.
True , but they have the guns. " All political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." MAO
Check this thread out:
This is the kind of socialism that I would advocate for.
this makes a VALID point. especially because our military is so large. socialism isn't always a bad thing. its only bad when the things the people want are not socialised and the way they live thier lives and spend thier money is regulated and controled. the us military doesn't have that problem so i think in a way it could work. we also have a social mail system that people would lose thier minds without (USPS) and even though the school system needs ALOT of fixing (which would happen if educators were in charge and not politicians) it IS socialized and if you want to work outside the system you can. just like in the militray when it comes to schooling and housing and healthcare. now when the GOV steps in and takes away your freedom of choice THATS when its bad. BUt I'm sure that there are other ways to screw up a fine tuned social society
Its semi-true. Although it is majorly supplemented by outside money is it not?
I'd like to point out that in star trek every version had a completly socialized civiliztion that had overcome war and I believe economics and became a completely utopian earth. They never talked about (as far as earth was concerned) race, religion, war, poverty, or education and it seemed that everyone got the same education and even fashion had become more personal preference and much much less about social status. You wore the colors and paterns you like but there were no name brands. If they can do it on TV for decades and make it believable ehy is is so hard for us to do the same in this earth in the real world?
They were able to do so because of their ability to make anything they want with the matter transformers that they had. You could make whatever you wanted and money was no longer needed.
you are leaving out the most important part......those who don't produce or contribute are ejected from the system....and get NOTHING
I think you are living in a "dream world" when you say the "Military" has tested a "successful system in which everyone can be cared for".
Housing on base is provide for officers. The enlisted unless they are "not married" live off base and are supplemented by the governent for their support.
Have you ever talked with "military personnel" to understand what they are up against? Probably not for if you have you wouldn't have posted this.
the Military doesn't generate money, its there for the country's defense. Taxpayers and the private sector finance it. So it's not communism its free market.
The only difficulties that arise in the military are those that result from free choice. Step out of line, attempt to redirect your own destiny, and they are also very accommodating respecting the loss of rank, the loss of pay, the loss of privilege, and even jail time. And time in a military prison is hard time because unlike their civilian counterpart, they do not afford inmates any rights whatsoever.
What are you guys high, the military are your fucking nuts? I personally don't want to be ordered around and walk like an android.
Military is viable option for anyone that has a modicum of sense in their head. They can pay for you college if you are smart enough to get into an academy or the ROTC programs. In the case of the academies, they actually pat you to go to school. Spending a 5 or 6 years getting ordered around seems pretty fine to me if I get paid to go to school and get an education I can use when I actually want to get out of the military or I can stay in for 20 years get a nice pension and then put my degree to use.
Yes: if you don't mind killing people. If you don't mind becoming a professional murderer. If you don't mind having your soul destroyed. If you don't want your health destroyed. Have you seen the destroyed human garbage coming beck form Afghanistan and Iraq? They can't get a job. hey can't function. They have serious health problems. They have serious mental problems. They have serious emotional problems. They end up on skid row or have to be taken care of by their own families... Most of them don't have families that give a shit about them... Which was why they joined in the first place.
Yes that is being part of the military. Would you rather have the terrorists come here and kill all of us instead? I personally say nay. Not everyone is suited for working in places like Iraq. There are plenty of engineering jobs that the military will happily train you in so that you can repair their vehicles.
First: you're a troll Second: you're a fucking imbecile Third: your even worse than an imbecile: your a fucking republican conservative baboon. Fourth: there are no terrorists: 9/11 was an inside job: planned and carried out by the CIA, Whitehouse, Fema, Pentagon, Media and all of the top corrupt powers who profited from the false flag operation. Fifth: the Bush family has been close friends of the Bin Laden family for decades: they use the same bank planners in the same mideastern banks because they do business with each other.. The Bin Laden family is the richest family in Saudi Arabia. They are contractors and like the Bush family: close friends of the royal Saudi King. Osama was the black sheep of the Bin Laden Family: He used his millions to build a highway in the Sudan after being chased out of Saudi Arabia by the secret police. He became a CIA asset and was used in fighting the Russian occupation of Afghanistan: which is now being occupied by the Americans for oil interests: pipelines, and other tactical strategic purposes by the neo-cons who control Federal Govt international policy making.
Fifth: the real terrorists are the American industrial military complex, the CIA, the Whit house and their media propaganda: trying to terrorize and the entire nation: and the whole world by this one orchestrated farce.
Sixth: you don't have a clue about what is involved in being in the US military. Armchair morons like you are like popcorn in a movie theater : you morons keep on popping up with your empty corny posts... filled with hot air.
turak, who do you not call a troll? Just curious.
"like popcorn in a movie theater", thats a good one! Almost as good as the "freak terrified mouse". lol Where do you come up with this stuff?! Too funny. I actually really like your sense of humor. I think you're on to something with all of your turak-isms. You could probably fill a book with stuff. It could be quite good!
You should be watching American Idol now: quick, you're missing the best part of the show;: the winners going to sing... follow her on twitter and facebook: you LOVE to follow idols around..
That's very good too! Really! I hope you are writing all this down. I see a book in your future. Maybe I'll keep following you and I'll write the book! turak, you have a talent here. I'm not kidding. Keep this going. Think of me as your muse. : )
I despise mindless idiots like you. You don't mind if we meet in person, do you? I'd love to kick your ass in person: that would be SO amusing to watch you on twitter and youtube, being kicked out of my home rubbing your sore ass
Maybe they'll write a book about the idiot who got her ass kicked... that would be SO neat.
OMG. I'm guessing your a male. Are you saying you would actually lay a hand in violence on a girl? Are you serious? Have you ever hit a woman before? Or will I be your first?
I'm quite certain that turak suffers from some kind of mental illness. There is some form of thought underneath his absurd and constant attacks.
I knew he was a little nutty, but some of his stuff is funny and makes me laugh. I had no idea he was the kind of person that would even think of hitting a woman. Who even thinks of something like that? I actually think he is dangerous. I really hope he was not being serious.
Hand? Kicking your fat ass is not raising a hand. I enjoy kicking fat asses like you. Your sex is unimportant. it is your sins which need to be addressed.
You need to be locked up. Stop physically abusing women. You are a serious mental case.
You need your far ass kicked hard. It's SO neat to expose and laugh at assholes like you
OK. That's it. Iv'e had enough of your nonsense. It's time to use a bot to down vote your comments. Sorry, I hate to use bots to censor other users, but there are limits to my patience. April is a good friend and I warned you on more than one occasion to stop harassing other users on this forum with your profanity.
Is dat so: You've had enough We've had enough of your presence here on this forum All the decent people I have contacted want trolls like you GONE from this forum You're a fucking TROLL: asshole Everyone KNOWS you're a troll And your other false handle is you talking to YOURSELF
Wow they pulled all of that off. They are much smarter than I give them credit for.
your brain isn't functioning well enough to understand adult materialt. Find a chat line and be among your mental equals
Or maybe you can not be a moron and get away from the ridiculous conspiracy theories.
Find a chat line.
I don't need one because I don't have idiot conspiracy theories.
you don't have a brain now go fuck yourself
Is that clear enough?
brainless asses like you are a waste of time
Well no sir I don't think it is. Maybe you could come say it to my face and see how many teeth you have afterwards. Yes, no? No? I guessed as much from spineless piece of shit like you.
You can meet me in person any time and I will explain to you in detail how 9/11 is and was an inside job
get this through your motherfucking HEAD
9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB: it was PLANNED from the INSIDE of the Whitehouse and the pentagon and the CIA and FEMA and the Port Authority and the security company that ran the Twin Tower complex
If you ever educate yourself enough to READ A BOOK": you will be able to find all the facts and truth online and in libraries. That means you have to be able to ABSORB NEW INFORMATION and you have to able to LEARN
If you can do that: You don't need me to educate you as to how fucking STUPID you are right now. If you want to meet me in person that would be PERFECT: I live in Montreal Quebec Canada
Read plenty of books. You just want to blame it one someone. Tucson Arizona. Don't live too close do we?
What's up with all the profanity? Are you mentally ill? Just curious.
go fuck yourself I'm not curious about you Understand? No? Then go fuck yourself
What are you fucking crazy? Serve this piss poor government with the bargain of my own life. Personally I only serve myself, and my own needs on my own terms, not an institution that is design so that I kill or be killed so some rich black privileged kid can go to college or out clubbing with the girls.
What is wrong with you?
What is wrong with me? Isn't Obvious? You and your croney sub-names are promoting a system that restrains personal freedom and self respect.
The US military is a godless creature which within it's own system and design are to cater for the rich and powerful in position and to obey, carry out their orders.
I and probably a large portion of folks on here don't feel like being pawns in someone else's gain.
Only one name dude. First its called self respect for a reason. If I can change what you think about yourself then you have none.
Second of all you don't seem to know much about the military. I didn't say you had to join or even like it. All I said is that if you can get into the academies or ROTC then they will gladly pay for schooling and then provide you with work.
You're kidding right? "get into the academies or ROTC then they will gladly pay for schooling and then provide you with work." A lot of people did this right before 9/11 then when war broke out they had to fight in the front lines, many people A-walled right out of there because they were freaking freeloaders.
All this free money the military gives you? Ha nothing is free in this world friend, and if you think you don't have to fight perhaps you should read the fine print on the contract when you signed up.
I wouldn't want to join an organization who is more than willing and wanting to change the way I think, sounds more like brainwash.
Yeah I know it and it is the failing of people like you with no spine and in my opinion no want to serve this country but whatever not my call here. I never said it was free you have to exchange your services. I know the government more or less owns you. I never claimed otherwise. Also similar to what I said before, if the way you think can be changed because someone else tells you to change it then you have no self respect, confidence, or a spine for that matter.
Self respect is in the eye of the beholder NOT some institution that passes out craptacular medals of so called honor right after you've lost a leg or half your face, yeah now you earned that self respect to bad no one else in the community wants to look at you.
I see all these vet-bums on the street asking for handouts and shit which I never give to them, I'd much rather give my hard earn change to some crack head than a service vet, because of their service to this piss poor government that crack head probably ended up that way. (Think about it Jar-Head)
I have no problem with vets who served in Vietnam and before, they didn't have a choice, these days you do,. Again I choose not to serve this country and that's my fucking choice. I also advise everyone I meet not to sign up neither.
That is exactly what I said. Can you read or not?
And also you are a fucking asshole and if that is really rather what you would do and I have nothing more to say to you
The truth hurts doesn't drummer boy.
Yes you being an asshole hurts me so, so, so much.
Id rather be red than dead? I don't think so.