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Forum Post: PERFECT EXAMPLE: Wall Street corruption and greed - SaveJimmysHome.com

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 11:58 a.m. EST by wetruthdotcom (0)
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Average people, the DeHarts, their home was current on its mortgage payments and not delinquent on taxes. Their home was not foreclosed upon nor was anything in arrears. Wachovia, with the help of their attorneys at Milstead & Associates, sold the DeHarts' home at Sheriff Sale while they knew it was both illegal and improper. They did it to cover up their past misdeeds and just because they believe they can. It is such arrogance and dishonesty that defines Wall Street today. It is neither a Left nor it is a Right perspective, it is simply human decency to be honest and fair. Sometimes I don't agree with everything done against Wall Street executives but in this circumstance all I can say is for you to keep the faith. Too long have we been the victims, beyond political agendas and beyond personal interests there lies the greater good. Go my brothers and sisters and protest, protest for the DeHarts and all of the people whose voice is overwhelmed by corporate advertising and media budgetary biases. Waive your flags of justice and equality and may the result be swift and everlasting.



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