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Forum Post: SOPA: Hollywood Finally Gets A Chance to Break the Internet

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 10:49 p.m. EST by Freebird (158)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The following article is a perfect example why this country is such an effing disaster. So, if this bill passes, are all the pissed-off, unemployed ding-dongs with time on their hands going to camp out in Hollywood to protest? Instead of where they should be: WASHINGTON!

GOVERNMENT is the problem - corrupt, bought-off scum bag politicians. Banks are out of control for the exact same reason - corrupt, bought-off scum bag politicians. Until people realize that shit like this will NEVER stop until we hold the GOVERNMENT responsible, this country will keep going down the toilet.


SOPA: Hollywood Finally Gets A Chance to Break the Internet

As promised, here’s the first installment of our closer review of the massive piece of job-killing Internet regulation that is the Stop Online Piracy Act. We’ll start with how it could impact Twitter, Tumblr, and the next innovative social network, cloud computing, or web hosting service that some smart kid is designing in her garage right now.

Let’s make one thing clear from the get-go: despite all the talk about this bill being directed only toward “rogue” foreign sites, there is no question that it targets US companies as well. The bill sets up a system to punish sites allegedly “dedicated to the theft of US property.” How do you get that label? Doesn’t take much: Some portion of your site (even a single page) must

  1. be directed toward the US, and either
  2. allegedly “engage in, enable or facilitate” infringement or
  3. allegedly be taking or have taken steps to “avoid confirming a high probability” of infringement.

If an IP rightsholder (vaguely defined – could be Justin Bieber worried about his publicity rights) thinks you meet the criteria and that it is in some way harmed, it can send a notice claiming as much to the payment processors (Visa, Mastercard, Paypal etc.) and ad services you rely on.

Once they get it, they have 5 days to choke off your financial support. Of course, the payment processors and ad networks won’t be able to fine-tune their response so that only the allegedly infringing portion of your site is affected, which means your whole site will be under assault. And, it makes no difference that no judge has found you guilty of anything or that the DMCA safe harbors would shelter your conduct if the matter ever went to court. Indeed, services that have been specifically found legal, like Rapidshare, could be economically strangled via SOPA. You can file a counter-notice, but you’ve only got 5 days to do it (good luck getting solid legal advice in time) and the payment processors and ad networks have no obligation to respect it in any event. That’s because there are vigilante provisions that grant them immunity for choking off a site if they have a “reasonable belief” that some portion of the site enables infringement.

At a minimum, this means that any service that hosts user generated content is going to be under enormous pressure to actively monitor and filter that content. That’s a huge burden, and worse for services that are just getting started – the YouTubes of tomorrow that are generating jobs today. And no matter what they do, we’re going to see a flurry of notices anyway – as we’ve learned from the DMCA takedown process, content owners are more than happy to send bogus complaints. What happened to Wikileaks via voluntary censorship will now be systematized and streamlined – as long as someone, somewhere, thinks they’ve got an IP right that’s being harmed.

In essence, Hollywood is tired of those pesky laws that help protect innovation, economic growth, and creativity rather than outmoded business models. So they are trying to rewrite the rules, regulate the Internet, and damn the consequences for the rest of us.

Watch this space for more analysis, but don’t wait to act. This bill cannot be fixed; it must be killed. The bill’s sponsors (and their corporate backers) want to push this thing through quickly, before ordinary citizens get wind of the harm it is going to cause. If you don’t want to let big media control the future of innovation and online expression, act now, and urge everyone you know to do the same.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

This is ridiculous. It's just the next step in internet censorship.

[-] 1 points by Freebird (158) 13 years ago

It reminds me of the movie Goodfellas, when the mob gets control of the restaurant and just robs and bleeds it dry and then finishes it off by burning it to the ground. It's a perfect metaphor for what this corrupt "government" & their cronies are doing to this country; ransack it, share it with your friends and then run off with the loot when there's nothing left to steal.

When you think of the government as the mafia, everything makes sense.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

That's a good analogy. Just about all that's left to do to the US is the burning, it's been ransacked. I described our government as a criminal cartel the other night. More specifically, a cartel that makes the Mafia look like the Cub Scouts. And like any good cartel, bribe the law to look the other way.

[-] 1 points by Freebird (158) 13 years ago

Too true. Isn't it weird that most people don't see this? I guess that's not really fair, because at one time I thought the Gov was there for me too. But when it was pointed out to me - I got it - it's so obvious. On this forum it's like yelling into the wind. Or everyone has their fingers in their ears screaming "I can't hear you!" I guess as long as you believe the illusion, everything will be okay. The most evil thing that Gov's do is undermine people's belief in themselves and their fellow man. Sad.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

Indeed. The government goes to great lengths to keep its people separate, either by color, religion, political leanings, etc. The last thing they want is a unified voice of any size. The good thing about this site is it's bringing people together that otherwise would have never connected. There's a lot of nonsense, but as the more serious factions begin coming together on different, more focused sites, things will start to come together. A lot of them have been leaving this site to go there. This site is kind of like the "Ellis Island" of the new movement; people shuffle through, meet similar-minded people, then go off to get things done. I have a few links you might want to bookmark if you plan to get involved:

http://themultitude.org/ http://occupyr.com/ http://citicommons.com/


[-] 1 points by Freebird (158) 13 years ago

Thanks. I'll check them out. Nice talking to you.