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Forum Post: People who protest has reason

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 10:50 a.m. EST by Mustang (8)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Today, when for the first time the voice of "angry" and non-violent protest, covers the entire country in an unprecedented, there is a space of faith and hope for the American people, victims of avarice and greed of Wall Street and a government subservient to economic interests. "God grant victory to perseverance," said Simon Bolivar, only in this way, if the will is assiduous and stands firm and challenging against violence the power of his executioners, people will be able to reach its goal. It is the great power of the written media, radio, film and television, in the hands of the Zionists and the shareholders of Wall Street, which also allowed them to exercise complete control over the power of the United States: Executive, legislature and the judiciary. His great political campaigns at election time are the ones who decide, not the people, who will be president, a position he rests forever in a loyal and obedient servant of Wall Street Those who today protest in the USA, know that Wall Street, more than the USA government (that only it plays the accomplice's role) is responsible for the chaotic economic and social reality through that the American people lives, since it controls the economy and finance of the country. The banks and other financial organizations, the markets, the natural resources and the media of social communication, spearhead of their wars and destabilizing conspiracies. The American people got tired finally of this dementia and squandering of the human lifes and of the big squander of material goods that it has taken to the country to the economic, financial and moral ruin, . It is put off of its government, the wild capitalist who governs it and the priests and his creed of greed and avarice that in honor to Gold produce worship in the temple of Wall Street. This is the terrible reality of living through a country that was immensely rich and prosperous, whose leaders controlled by Wall Street threw away all this wealth. They used these expensive wars lost without getting any loot, and in return received only one defeat and gruesome deaths of hundreds of thousands of young Americans thrown into warlike adventures such as Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. The millions of homeless people have the most terrible drama, or the poorest people who roam the streets and city squares to resist the cold and hunger, which must sleep outdoors or under a bridge. They are the families of parents and children and single men and women who make their meager belongings in a backpack or in a shopping cart, under the indifferent gaze of those who walk beside them in the streets, but they have the bread and the roof secured. Attend the reason all these people, as the current economic and social stage of the country is shaded darker and even your future. A financial crisis that threatens to plunge the United States in the depths of the recession and sharp throughout its history. This situation shows a valuation of over 9% unemployment tends to rise and threatens people to be perceived as a spiral of poverty, hunger and misery indescribable.



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