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Forum Post: people power

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 12:24 a.m. EST by tcoker (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

This movement is about democracy-the demand that our government represent the interests of the people for the people. The general public is angry that it's government seems to only represent the largest corporations and banks at the expense of the vast majority of the people who are losing their homes, their healthcare, their right to an education, and their jobs. It is a fight to take back our lives and that means taking the immense power away from the banks and corporations that our government protects. Corporations should have their so called right to be an individual under the law (invoked under the 14th Ammendment) revoked. The government should heavily regulate corporate greed and enforce strongly the necessity to have banks be completely transparent when it comes to their financial deals. Banks should not be allowed to operate outside the public's eyes. Goldman Sachs should not be allowed to doctor the books of Greece to make it look more solvent than it is. Banks should not be able to take peoples' homes away because of bad investments they made. If we don't take back our right to protect ourselves from exploitation and horrendous greed in the name of the bottom line, we are doomed.



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