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Forum Post: People Over Profit: The Message is 99% Clear

Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 2, 2013, 5:34 p.m. EST by TrevorMnemonic (5827)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Is the message really still not clear to you?

But what do they want? -asked the corporate media shills that never use investigative journalism.

We want a society and economy that works for the 99 percent, not one where the 99% work for the profits of the 1%.

We want insourcing, not outsourcing and slave labor

We want living wages which can easily be accomplished

We want reforms and justice on wall street and a focus on mainstreet.

We want money for health care, not corporate welfare

We want to feed the poor, not fund a war.

We want public education to be a basic right.

We want to abolish predatory and fraudulent loans.

We want to stop banks and corporations from buying the government, we want money out of politics.

Is it really still not clear to you?



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[-] 4 points by beautifulworld (23828) 12 years ago

Occupy Wall Street has been very clear about this message. It is not very difficult to comprehend. It is not too much to ask for. It just bugs the greedy bastards.

[-] 2 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

I think the general population was used to a one issue protest. Im not saying that it had to be different (quite frankly, some of the public 3 months in not knowing what was going on is quite telling) but when I was out and around and promoting there was an awful lot of "ya, what are they doing down there again?"... now that Im thinking about it, Im not sure if its the process of occupy or just the idiocy of the masses.

[-] 2 points by beautifulworld (23828) 12 years ago

Well, Trevor just summed it up right there in this thread, but when you think about the masses, that may be too confusing for them as he points out below. Sad, isn't it? Brainwashed, mis-educated, indoctrinated, etc.

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

It's the end of literacy and the triumph of spectacle. We have become an empire of illusion. -great book by the way.

War is peace, news is celebrity gossip, buying elections is democracy, and 42% of people will never read a book after college.

Did Beyonce lip sync? I didn't catch every single news channel that exists.

[-] 4 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

We want insourcing, not outsourcing and slave labor

We want living wages which can easily be accomplished

We want reforms and justice on wall street and a focus on mainstreet.

We want money for health care, not corporate welfare

We want to feed the poor, not fund a war.

We want public education to be a basic right.

We want to abolish predatory and fraudulent loans.

We want money out of politics.

Is it really still not clear to you?

[-] 3 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 12 years ago

Well said.

[-] 3 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

Thanks. I can't believe the top comment on this forum is a "no clear message" comment. It inspired this post, because the message has been clear since inception.

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 12 years ago

Consider : "Unity Will Increase Our Power", by Kevin Zeese and Dr. Margaret Flowers :

"Getting to the Next Level of Constructing a New Society Requires a Common Vision, Strategy & Unity"

per ardua ad astra ...

[-] 3 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

"Americans have been in revolt for a long time, the media just does not report it."

A very important quote from the article

Some news organization have rules about protests, don't cover them because covering them can be biased. Other times they just don't care.

Zeese is awesome. Thanks for that link. I will be making it into a forum post. Chris Hedges has an awesome interview with Zeese in the book Days of Destruction Days of Revolt. He is very inspiring.

[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 12 years ago

Yes and bang on the button again Trev :-) Also for our consideration :

"Until Americans' awareness catches up to the realities of the increasing US class divide, shrinking life opportunities for the majority and disappearance of social mobility, we will be unable to address the problems of high unemployment and economic stagnation."

Kevin Zeese and Dr. Margaret Flowers are the love, light and logic behind : http://itsoureconomy.us/ .

Also please see : http://issuu.com/occupylondon/docs/occupy_little_book_of_ideas/1 . Solidarity .

pax, amor et lux ...

[-] 2 points by Middleaged (5140) 12 years ago

I don't think I ever liked the chatter in kids baseball. I have seen the same thing even worse in kids karate fights. But I like your list. I like the OWS chants. Positive chants for posstive change is good. We all want to look forward to better things, better life, positive change. And the message is important.

I was just thinking, ... corporate welfare is just a strategic result from corporations who are whiny, compainers ... and all they want is a huge pay check, huge bonus, and huge profits. Corporate Welfare is Fascism.

People First. Workers First. Affordable Health Care First. Protect people pensions & retirements First. Stop Wars First.

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

really this comment is being downvoted?

Some people are working very hard to keep this comment from the top comments because of my constant anti-war and anti-establishment views. They want to keep it out of view from people who stop by the forum.

Fine if they don't want it at the top, I will just add it to the forum post.

[-] 0 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

That would have been a nice list of demands. I thought about simply sending something out like that many times, but didnt want to get too singled out as leading or anything.

[-] 2 points by beautifulworld (23828) 11 years ago

Nice and clearly stated. Where have you been Trevor?

[-] 1 points by UndyingVibrations87 (1) from Arlington, VA 12 years ago

The message of The Movement is a phenomenon. It’s currently happening; therefore, some people may not see the whole picture or be able to “read” the message. I can best interpret the fed up 99% of society as individuals that have come together to recognize each other with genuine concern of the well being of them selves as well humanity. In addition, with over 7 billion people in the world, surely it can overwhelm or even confuse a person as to which problems instead of what problem? I can name a few social problems (social - Of or relating to society) off the top of my head, and I’m sure a 5th grader can too. How? In China, perhaps that little girl with the mask on her face will grow up to be an environmental scientist. In Africa, luxury is having milk. In India, women are being raped by political and legal figures. In America, your American Dream is not attained without debt which is hard to reduce with high costs and unemployment. In conclusion, Occupy Wall Street identifies all issues. Why not spread the word? Why not utilizes your voice, the internet, your existence as a living conscious being? If my neighbor is not living right, yeah that affects me; only difference with Occupy is that our neighbors are on the planet, not just next door.


[-] 3 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

Let's tackle each issue I listed in my comment above

Outsourcing - Apply labor standards to trade laws. You are not allowed to sell goods in the United States that were produced through practices that violate American labor standards.

Living Wage - increase minimum wage to an adjusted rate based on living standards, housing, food costs, etc. May I suggest using a similar configuration as that of MIT.

Money for health care, not corporate welfare - THIS IS PRETTY OBVIOUS. A single payer public system seems to be the consensus. Instead of corporate subsidies to banks and more, use that money to pay for actual health care.

Feed the poor, not fund the war - Again this is very obvious. May I suggest funding and expanding programs that do this already. Every state has organizations that aim to help those in need.

We want public education to be a basic right - there should be public option college. Pretty simple.

Money out of politics - may I suggest a constitutional amendment based on the ideas listed by the green party - http://www.gp.org/committees/platform/2010/democracy.php#316100

Reforms and Justice on Wall Street - Fines are not acceptable for fraud. There needs to be criminal prosecution or the fraud will just continue as long as it's profitable. May I also suggest deleting the GLB Act, and creating public banks. Instead of interest free loans for banks, I suggest interest free loans for the people. Financial corporations don't actually produce anything.

All of this has been said a ton of times by OWSers. - you can keep acting like no one is specific.

We need massive levels of civil disobedience until these issues are met. We need to block ports like they did in Cali until demands are met about outsourcing.

We need to continue telling people to move their money out of the fraudulent banks until there is real reform and the fraud ends.

Occupy Sandy is leading the way in creating community and helping those in need.

OWS on the front page of this forum almost always has a call to action to help lead to accomplishing these goals and making them in the public spotlight.

You can keep acting like OWS isn't trying to accomplish, and isn't specific, and hasn't done anything... but that is just ridiculous.

I'm currently involved with a campaign to get an Occupier on the city council here. We all need to be more active or we won't see anything met.

The message is not ambiguous. I think it is you who is being ambiguous. .


[-] 2 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

Like I said before, the message is clear. it has been.

The calls to action are even more specific too.

I also don't live in the world where democrats are our saviors. They have been complicit with republicans in the corporate takeover of the government and the global economy.

I'm going to put out a feeler question. What are your thoughts on Ralph Nader in 2000? The question is, would you even support OWS if they went "political" or do you believe in the blame third parties theory?


[-] 2 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

different forms of massive levels of civil disobedience.

Similar to how the civil rights groups were able to bend the power to their will.

-this is something I need to work on doing more too.

[-] -1 points by DSamms (-294) 12 years ago

"Things like this can be designed. All it takes is inside information, and an understanding of how things work.

"But no. These kinds of things were not attempted.

"We have had little in the way of sticks.

"And basically, because of a lack of road map, an ambiguous message."

I might know where there is a stick. It leads to a Constitutional road map.

[-] 1 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

I think the media had a lot to do with the messaging. It was very clear to us, but honestly to the average person, it wasnt that clear. People are used to things being very clear in politics, very here vs there. I hate that paradigm, but I do think the vast amount of different isms involved and the masses lack of focus made it difficult to stay on task. They are usually used to single issue protests.

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

god forbid people have to do research or form independent thought....

I get my knowledge from the tv god dammit!!!!
