Forum Post: People of the United States of America - During your awakening, consider this
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 12:52 p.m. EST by raybro
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I've have been fighting for this very cause but years earlier in the courts against our governments. Now, I've been forced into silence. I'm breaking this silence today. You should know why the government is the way it is and why we "the people" are being oppressed and what you should do to make a really big change happen.
We are oppressed as you know because the Banking industry is taking over by imposing never ending debts onto governments and people in general. Debts that can never be repaid.
The truth is, that in 1913 the Bank act was created and enacted in the US, Canada and many other democratic countries. All around the world all around the same time. This bank act gave way to private corporations like "the federal reserved, Bank of Canada" to create money out of thin air. That is when the debts started. It has continued to the point that governments are now working under the directions of the bankers and the people are being robbed of all their money and properties bit by bit. The IRS and CCRA are collection agencies for the bankers(income tax). Millions every year are raped financially by these agencies.
It got so bad that we are now where we are today. It will never end until we do something that will stop the banking corporation. It a simple idea but I believe it will work. By pushing this idea into the world, it will cause big changes to the monetary system and provide a chance for the people to get back the control of the monetary system and to restore creativity, balance and wealth to all the people and not just to the few.
We should protest and demand the government to cancel the bank act, (which they can if the majority demands it to be) re-take the powers of creating our own money back into the government power by the people for the people based on the nation's wealth in gold reserves. By protesting and chanting to cancel the bank act, the banks will start to fear the people. Its a chance for the people and government to eliminate banking control and set us free to prosper in our nations. This change will eventually eliminate all debts, all income taxes, all high prices, all fees, all the other hidden taxes that are now plaguing our society today.
So for as long as the Bank Act is in affect, the private banking industries will continue their agenda and financially rape our entire nations of all our wealth.
Ray - A Canadian that individually fought the government and found out why we are where we are today.
Another Canadian... Is the real reason for this protest a subterfuge to destabilize markets, rush in with a unified Canadian-American currency and establish the North American Union? I hate conspiracy theories, but I hate conspiracy realities even more.