Forum Post: People in Lybia protested for freedom. You protest because your broke.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 9:46 p.m. EST by Oneforall
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
In our country being obese, having a DVD player and multiple tvs. In other countries people fight for freedom, work for penny's and starve to death.
The thing that makes me the most sad. Is what do you expect to accomplish? There is no end to your protest. People in Lybia had an end result in mind, freedom and democracy. In new York, people are protesting the rich. The only people keeping this country a float.
So I say stop protesting, stop blogging and GET A JOB.
"The only people keeping this country a float."
Funny, I remember seeing headlines about the government issuing tax free bailout loans to several corporate lending giants because they were 'too big to fail' while unemployment and underemployment spiked and a record number of homes were foreclosed on. Keeping us a float? More like keeping their boots on our throats.
Thank god we live in american and not under some of the more oppressive governments, but that doesn't mean things are perfect (or even acceptable) over here.
ignorance is bliss.
The banking system stole over 3 trillion dollars from the taxpayers and your answer is "GET A JOB"
Unfortunately, due to technological employment, corporate outsourcing, and surplus population, the jobs aren't coming back.
This is reality.
Yours is a dreamworld. Why do you think it's called the "American Dream"? Because you have to be asleep to believe it.
actually they didn't steal it . the liberal congress gave it to them. they should have let them fail like a capitalist society would have let them.
sorry but, the Federal Reserve doesn't answer to congress.
Here is previous president of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan stating just that:!
i know this is a horrible source of information but still
Hate to break it to ya. You're describing TARP. The government has been repaid all of its money, and then billions more.
Hate to break it to ya.
The Federal Reserve loaned out money to private banking institutions WITHOUT telling "the government" (who it owns) who they were, how much they paid out, or if it's ever been paid back.
So no, I don't believe I'm describing TARP at all, actually.
YOU'RE. YOU + ARE. We're also protesting because the 1% looters claim false scarcity with the goal (quite successfully, as you demonstrate) of undermining institutions like our educational system.
Hey dipshit, I already have a job, it barely pays the bills, I can't find another one. The so-called "people keeping this country a float" are people like me, who go out and bust our asses at work for peanuts, so the fat cats can rape the system, and take their fat bonuses and vacation on tropic islands. You can go to Hell!
We are protesting for Freedom too. There is one job left. DEMANDING PEACE. This sick and disgusting house of violence is ending. Get on the right side. The people of Libya were attacked and killed by our Masters. Just like Iraq and Afghanistan. They plan the same for you and your family.
PEACE is PROSPERITY. NO JOB or amount of MONEY is worth ANYTHING if you cannot live in Peace.
funny how you ignore the fact that people are starving to death in this country as well. You seem to be horribly misinformed but unfortunately their are people like that on both sides of the fence. These people have jobs, but they don't want to buy food that is genetically modified to make them sterile. They don't want to send their children to schools where they will be fed propaganda instead of knowledge. They don't want to spend their money on medications that make them sicker, and they don't want to stand by and do nothing while our currencies is in direct route for hyper-inflation. Please read a book and form your own opinion before you post suck ignorance.
These people are fighting for a more democratic society that isn't corrupted by greed and corporate money. Read. Learn. Then post.
BTW, it's spelled "Libya."
Yeah okay - if people protest in the middle east, we stampede in and call it "democracy" and start nation-building (such a great idea). if people protest here, they are lazy, dirty ingrates who are unamerican.
Obviously you are asleep or heavily sedated if you don't see that we have a major problem with the economy and the currency in this country.
Call your psychiatrist for a refill and go back to sleep.
lybians didn't protest
they went to war
Lybians didn't protest. The US bombed the shit out of them and installed a puppet government, like they've been doing for the past 60 years. (they just used their own puppets this time to do it {NATO})
The rich are keeping themselves afloat. Oh, and the government because they're the only ones who can afford to lobby and donate more than $20 to a campaign. Until you walk in another person's shoes - ex: an unemployed/laid-off/unable to EVEN GET A RESPONSE AFTER SUBMITTING MULTIPLE RESUMES EVERYWHERE kind of person, how about you shut your pie whole and GET BACK TO WORK at your job. Obviously you have nothing to complain about if you're here commenting on people who want a good life for all Americans.
I have had 8 jobs in 10 years. Have been unemployed for 26 weeks. I submitted 311 applications and only had 14 interviews. I took a job making half of my old salary. "Pie Whole" should read "Pie Hole". As in your mouth, get it. Life isn't easy, but it certainly is grand. Grow up, get a job, love life.
If this were facebook, I'd hit the LIKE button.