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Forum Post: People dont forget that Wall Street engineered the debt crisis in Greece and even some American towns and counties!!!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 8:55 p.m. EST by IlliniCornfields (71) from Elmhurst, IL
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Look it up!



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[-] 1 points by IlliniCornfields (71) from Elmhurst, IL 13 years ago

Well let me ask you a question when American counties in Alabama and California were visited by Wall Street execs with miracle loans that would enable them to continue their operation - who was at fault? Do we arrest people manufacturing drugs? Running them? Selling them? No bnk should be allowed to sell Nuclear loans but in the Good Ole USA we allow it!

You cant be lazy in a Democracy - read the Wall Street Journal, the Wash Post the New York Times, LA Times - citizenship requires work - FREEDOM AINT FREE.

[-] 1 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

You have to be out of your mind. Greece failed because they gave mobs whatever they wanted. Now when they try to cut back the people rage. De ja vu

[-] 1 points by armchairecon (138) 13 years ago

Last I checked, Greece's ridiculous welfare state and constant overspending led to their debt crisis.

If you are going to post something like that atleast give more details than 'look it up'.