Forum Post: People! Do you want to solve all these problems? Than repeat this:
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 2:40 p.m. EST by Cancelcurrency
from Anchorage, AK
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Make entire country economy work on volunteers, just like this movement works. End of problems! No IRS, no national debt, no loans, no money for government, no financial crimes, no money to pay chinese for lousy goods, everything free! Make country free from money and all problems will disappear! Hakuna Matata!
this is for free hahah
See! It is working free!
make. is . a control meme. not a problem solving meme. All volunteers is a silly way. refactor the problem in terms solvable. open source direct democracy forms communities which form new evoleved hyper local and self sufficient corporations. All of those people are volunteers, live at work, have a slice of the pie interest cut interest divided only by the number of other people, is their own boss, and yes... works as a volunteer in a billionaire style resort environment. Permaculture arcologies. Get your terms and process factored. merely stating all volunteer is a neat pipe dream or a trolling joke. it does not end anything to start it just creates a competing set of micro economic systems which can stand up to the macro economic system. That leads eventually to the macro economic system being out performed by and out evolved by the micro economies. This leads to the eventual formation of city states and the dissolution of what we call nations.
but it happens very slowly if you do it carefully.
put down the ron and back away slowly or i kill your memes.
stop listening to exxon oil and republicanism and use your brain. i LOVE ron paul hes my one and only NOT EVIL republican i know of. the road to hell can still be paved with his good intentions. STFU WTF? This is about getting rid of ALL the republicans and ALL of the Democrats. If you are not on board for REAL change and want to land us a half mad science denying oligarch just crazy enough for them to control and just stupid enough to try republican economics- you are nuts.
You know i am all for ending the fed. HOW we do that is more important than merely doing it because the civilization is one organism and its econmic systems are organs. Play doctor like a mad fucking half genius insane brilliant wingnut republican... and your patient would expect to do as well as a 5 year old trying to do real live surgery after being smoked up on crack. You are not and he is not a system doctor. I am. And all you or he has for us is mor eentropy; not hard solutions. Now STFU and start working for a new party inside of OWS. I want YOU to tell me what office YOU are going to run for. GROK?
And let me be loud and clear over here. i love ron. but if you ron paulians don;t get the clue quick i will be forced to END him from THIS space. Don't call the lightning. just take Ron back out of OWS and i won't cook his campaign alive with fire from the sky. GROK?
I got no beef with ron. i love ron. STFU and get ron out of my court or i will take his platform by line item and SORT the genius from the WINGNUT. LIVE.!/prometheus.pan!/prometheus.pan?sk=photos!/note.php?note_id=10150438889880833!/note.php?note_id=10150409084095833!/note.php?note_id=10150398121910833
Economy based on resources is your solution. check about the venus project or zeitgeist movement.
they think that the principal problem is the money!!!
Yes that is advanced idea.
Went to check!
Simply a beautiful idea. Wow, right in our face the whole time.
My pleasure! Free idea from Ukraine!
How much are the Koch's paying you to spam this forum?
Is he paying to me?! What bank?!
Free candy for everyone?
funny troll is funny.
Can I have detailed explanations?... Please... :-))
Me no understand.
Make entire country economy work on volunteers, just like this movement works. End of problems! No IRS, no national debt, no loans, no money for government, no financial crimes, no money to pay chinese for lousy goods, everything free! Make country free from money and all problems will disappear! Hakuna Matata!
Thanks, man. Nobody else repeating :-((((
Cancelation of money I think the solution to problems expressed by occupiers. The other ideas are complex and not universal.
Yes, absence of money solves overpopulation problem. Women serve nobody for free!
Including overpopulation.
All the problems we have coming from us!
Look like you guys protesting here and on Capitol Hill people shutting in their pants!
Hakuna Matata!
Money is the root of all evils! We can deal without it!
Make entire country economy work on volunteers, just like this movement works. End of problems! No IRS, no national debt, no loans, no money for government, no financial crimes, no money to pay chinese for lousy goods, everything free! Make country free from money and all problems will disappear! Hakuna Matata!