Forum Post: People are getting killed in these camps! Shut them down!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 12, 2011, 5:24 a.m. EST by thomasmiller
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The vast majority of Americans want to see these camps shuttered. I bet the American people and the US Government would consider your demands...if you had any demands. Thats what makes this have no demands so there is absolutely no way to negotiate an end to this.
Lets face the facts. People are getting victimized at these camps. If it were not for these camps, then they would not be victims of crimes. The American people are not behind you. There is no point behind this cause. You call it a movement, its not a movement, its just a bunch of crazies who have all gathered in one place. You do not represent the 99% because the 99% of American people do not approve of you.
Go home and get a job before someone else gets hurt! America isnt a bad place like you claim. Just go and get a job, any job and be happy with it. You guys are a bunch of spoiled rotten kids and need to live in a real oppressive place. You do not deserve to be Americans!
1) There are no jobs. 2) The jobs that do exists are sweat shop conditions. 3) We live in a Corporately controlled society.
All of these fly in the face of your statements.
Looked in the paper , and on the Internet. There are jobs! There have been people even on this site offering jobs to occupiers that are not sweat shop conditions. Most American when they look on the Internet , in the papers on line across America and see that there are jobs . Your statements only makes you look like someone who doesn't want to work , but yet want to complain about not working. When employers come and look at this site to reach out and try to help and they see this nonsense of no jobs. They see that you are lazy and they wont hire you.
If you have a job I'll gladly take it. Got a Link?
Where do you live so I can give you a link to a job.
At this point I'd be willing to move anywhere. My minimum wage job is barely scraping by, and when you have a law degree, there's loans to pay.
You can refine the search to your needs.
So Thomas, lets do face the facts! Here is an article as well as a poll conducted this month at the Brookings Institute. I know that trolls and those who profess not to be trolls hate this kind of stuff called facts, but I just can't help myself!! And if you bother to read it, you will still state that you know more than the Brookings Institute, but I will give it a shot anyway and provide it for those who really do want to learn something about their country that are American enough to love it and protect it. So,Statistical section starts: This “We the People” demand has resonated with a frustrated American public. 81 percent of Americans feel that the country is seriously off on the wrong track.[v] Fully 95 percent are some combination of angry, upset, and/or concerned with the state of the country today[vi] (I might add that you sound like one of the 95% anyway!) 85 percent agree that Wall Street and its lobbyists have too much influence in Washington, and 79 percent agree that the gap between rich and poor in this country has grown too large.[vii] By a large margin (71 percent), Americans believe that our nation’s position in the world is in decline.[viii] The Occupy Wall Street message has generated substantial public support for the movement, with 54 percent of Americans holding a favorable opinion of the protests, and over a third expressing “support.”[ix] As Brookings’ Isabel Sawhill and others point out, the economic facts are behind the protest movement’s message, too. Income inequality has been increasing since the 1970s, middle-class incomes have stagnated, and intergenerational social mobility is declining.[x] Here is the full article for those who are interested Americans rather than off-the-wall illogical,factless ranters!
People are dying in hospitals, shut them down.
People die... duh. Death is a part of life.
occupy...death? (is this inappropriate?)
No, my point was statistically people will die in any situation, it's not something to focus on. If you have enough people in a given area, some of the population will be born, and some will die. Random events, random change, disease, anything.
I was making the joke, that well if people dying is a reason to shut something down, why not shut down hospitals.
Just shut down life in that case!
Who got hurt? You mean by the police?
While the deaths that happened are sad and the crimes that have happened are alarming--I still stand with this movement. They have addressed the safety issues and they presented good solutions. The majority of the people in OWS are peaceful and want to see things turned around in this country.
If you want to know what really boils my blood--it is our troops being dragged into a war where over 5,000 of them killed, and many of them badly wounded ALL IN THE NAME OF OIL PROFITEERING!!! The fight against terrorism was not the real reason our troops were in Iraq. Yes, they did knock out a good number of the bad guys, but our troops were over there way too long. If our troops get pulled into a war with Iran, I say every red-blooded American protest in the streets and don't let this happen. No more OIL WARS!!!!!!!
I did not agree with the Iraq war...I do not agree with military involvement or military aid to any country. I would only agree to involvement in the Middle East in a limited non-military sense. However, the Occupiers are not anti-war protesters. In fact, Im not sure what they are protesting at times. If there is no point to a protest, then why do it? You cant say you are for or against a group unless you know what they are about. No one knows what they are about.
I can see many of these camps are public safety issues. There are groups of criminals and mentally ill which congregate around the camps. The residents of these communities overwhelmingly do not welcome these groups.
Are you kidding me about OWS not being anti-war? If our troops get called into another war (which God forbid this happens) you better believe it that you will be seeing tons of people out on the streets protesting (many who joined the OWS movement).
No movement is perfect. However, the OWS occupiers/protestors are passionate about seeing change in this country. Some of the issues that has been mentioned over and over again is equality for the 99%, distribution of wealth, end to corporate welfare, reinstate the Glass- Steagall Act, get the money out of politics (ban corporate lobbyists and bring about campaign finance reform). These issues have been mentioned by everyone OWS protestor I have ever spoken to. Their message is loud and clear to me--why can't everyone else listen to what they are saying?
Have you visited any of their camps? They do the best they can to keep it clean and orderly. Sorry, that the residents don't like their presence in their neighborhood/towns, but keep in mind that these could also be people who are against their cause, so naturally they are making a stink about them.
99% income percentile, the 99% stresses the extraordinary inequality in US society and its plurocratic regime.
This method do not need camps unless they are the distractions to the main protests.
This is the new meme for attacking OWS. Shut em down -- for safety. See Lara Logan's lie about being raped/molested in Tahrir Square in Egypt. It's not hard to recognize a liar who is lying. Lara Logan is a liar. My point is that this is a technique used before to slime movements.
Of course any report/complaint has to be handled seriously and investigated. But individuals making false reports should be arrested.
thomasmiller, the camps drive you crazy don't they. Demonstrations and even voting can be disregarded ('how's that hope and changey thing working out', indeed), but people occupying space and not going home? Oh my, what's a self serving elite have to do? Maybe if your bosses honored public sentiment expressed otherwise OWS would never have materialized. Ever think of that?
I do not consider you an American, but a traitor and an anti-Patriot. This is the second American revolution. We are taking America back in the name of our Constitution and our values. No to a torturing and woman/baby killing military. No to untrammeled corpoRAT greed and criminality. No to a Wall St. that lives by sucking the economic blood of countries and has crashed the world economy. We know where you stand.
We are taking back the flag. To fight us, you will have to trample it under. Let the world watch. (New meme from GypsyKing.)
Shut down Ped State U.
Well, you seem to have the right desires at heart, although you are more than a bit out of the loop... Keep thinking, man. Some day you'll understand. In the meantime, don't stand in the road.
You would rather the desperate, the hopeless, the homeless, and the other victims of society die somewhere that does not have as high a profile, so you can get down to the viscious business of systematic repression, the consequences largely hidden from sight and mind, forget about it all and just go back to your Wall St. Journal and your tennis games. Fuck You.
Look, who is getting oppressed exactly? Lets face it. No matter what you do there will always be the homeless, the hopeless and the mentally ill. There is no country in the world that has been able to solve that problem. If you are looking for a solution to that, then you will die trying.
In fact, why dont you become part of the solution through volunteer work or charities. These camps will certainly not help the homeless except provide them with a temporary place to stay. If you think the government can solve it, then try again. No government during any time period in history has been able to solve it.
The best we can do is the best we can do and we can only do so much. At the end of the day, its really up to the individual. If you are homeless and hopeless, then its really your own fault. Why is personal responsibility such a bad thing to Occupiers?
"who is getting oppressed exactly?"!!!!!!! TROLL
Is that it, when you disagree with what I have to say then I am a troll?
When you show some positive input, rather then mere distructive and deceptive critisism, I will detract it. Until such time, over and out.
So Im the one who is destructive? I can tell you that I have not set up camps around the nation where people are being victimized.
Leave the camps open, pull the Police out. Let their own security protect them, what ever happens, happens.
Leave the camps open, pull the Police out. Let their own security protect them, what ever happens, happens.
15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Wealth And Inequality In America. Information Clearing House, Grafiken über Einkommens- und Vermögensverteilung in den USA
100 Mal Niedergang [07.10.2011] 100 Zahlen und Fakten über den Niedergang der US-Ökonomie.
China kommt natürlich auch darin vor, unter Nr. 65, 67, 68 und 69.
9.11. und Peak Oil - Michael C. Rupperts Peak Oil Blog
Michael C. Ruppert "Crossing the Rubicon - the decline of the American empire at the end of the age of oil"
SAMSTAG 12.11.2011 100 Mal Niedergang [07.10.2011] 100 Zahlen und Fakten über den Niedergang der US-Ökonomie.
China kommt natürlich auch darin vor, unter Nr. 65, 67, 68 und 69.
100 A staggering 48.5% of all Americans live in a household that receives some form of government benefits. Back in 1983, that number was below 30 percent.
99 During the Obama administration, the U.S. government has accumulated more debt than it did from the time that George Washington took office to the time that Bill Clinton took office.
98 Since Barack Obama was sworn in, the share of the national debt per household has increased by $35,835.
97 The U.S. national debt has been increasing by an average of more than 4 billion dollars per day since the beginning of the Obama administration.
96 It is being projected that the U.S. national debt will hit 344% of GDP by the year 2050 if we continue on our current course.
95 The Congressional Budget Office is projecting that U.S. government debt held by the public will reach a staggering 716 percent of GDP by the year 2080.
Precisely the goal of Occupy and the idea that made them grow so big.
It doesnt make any sense to me and it doesnt make any sense to the American people. Why spend your time doing this if there can be no end to it?
Lets take Egypt's revolution, for example. There were clear goals and an enventual end to it all. However, this is different. There are no goals and so no end can be negotiated.
Go home and get a job!
make me
Egypt had one big problem for 30 years, the US has several big problems, one of them being the sovereignty of the US itself.
After years of an "all is well" deception, it takes time to build up a realization to the contrary.
I do not support Occupy. Again, my point is not that your complaint is not worthwhile, simply that it is useless to post it here.
OWS will certainly not solve any problems or make things better. It seems like they are making things worse and becoming a public safety issue with people dieing in the camps and getting sick.