Forum Post: Peak Oil
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 11:22 p.m. EST by BudhaWho
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
If you have heard of this theory by M King Hubbert, then is something that should be taking up by OWS?
If you haven't heard about this it's a theory the basically says it's not the point when we run out of oil, but the point when oil demand out strips our ability to recover it from the ground.
To me its a rather intuitive idea. We all know that its not a renewable resource, but yet our so called political leaders do and say little about it.
There are some voices out there that say peak oil may actually be the root cause of this economic malaise.
Anyway just wondering if anyone else has thought about this?
Just a couple counter-points to consider:
Alex Jones is wonderfully entertaining-- I keep a casual eye on his sites-- but he is exactly that, an entertainer, and not a serious scholar or journalist. The link below is perhaps more disinterested, but we should probably take everything with a grain of salt.,1518,715138,00.html
I just threw the Alex Jones one in there for fun. I would look more at the 1st and 3rd link.
I agree. I think a lot of the politicians and business leaders are simply scared, and don't know what to do about it. In the mean time, they are just going to keep milking it for what it's worth.
Another reason to end the Federal Reserve. Bernanke's money printing from November 2010-June 2011 is THE reason why oil prices went up. It had nothing to do with Arab Spring, which is what Obama tries to blame it on.
Peak Oil is without a doubt one of the causes of the global financial crisis, but it is one of many factors at work. The Hirsch Report explicates the relationship between oil shocks and economic recession beautifully. We must get off of oil if there is any long-term hope of an economic recovery. The earth world probably thank us for that too.