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Forum Post: Peaceful protest wont change a disconnected government... p1

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, midnight EST by Eywa (1) from Anchorage, AK
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Call me crazy, call me an anarchist, whatever youd like, but im going to call myself a human.

Im only 16 and I can see how corrupt and backwards our world is, but how many of you people are actually going to do something about it? None of you. Not even you OWS protestors. Do you think the government will actually listen to us, or that Ron Paul is going to change anything? Truth is, nothing is going to change, things will only continue to go down the drain...you cannot change the system by working from within, or complying with the system. When a government is this disconnected from its people, violence is the only way they’ll realize that we’re here, we mean business, and we demand CHANGE!

For those who are claiming that this OWS movement is the "rEvolution"...are you serious? How is this the revolution if youre protesting within the laws of America, trying to adhere to the constitution? Peacefully protesting, allowing the government youre protesting to tell you when, where, and how to protest? Excuse my french, but FUCK THAT!

You want the government to listen to us, the 99%? The only way we'll ever get that to happen is to forcefully protest...we must storm the whitehouse, the pentagon, the capitol building, every government facility, the banks on wall street, the police stations, the military bases, the media buildings, and take this nation back for ourselves! Not only this nation, but this world. The people of the world need to wake up, and realize that the way we're trying to go about making change is futile. (cot'd)...



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[-] 1 points by Idahoamerican (57) 13 years ago

Ohh Honey..these people are just here to whine, they don't really mean it, they just wanted to get together and gripe about how unfair things are. They aren't REALLY going to do anything or change anything. But it's fun to think they can peace and love the government into giving them more free stuff, isn't it? Don't worry, nothing is going to change!

[-] 1 points by True2blue (3) 13 years ago

Yeah, this is a recurring theme. I was at a rally recently when the guy next to me started spouting off like this, saying the only way to make a change was if people started stealing small merchandise from all the big businesses. Hard to know if he was a cop, a Fed, or just a nut. People should spread the word to be on the lookout for these types.

[-] 1 points by alwayzabull (228) 13 years ago

Take the lead, then, pursue your passions. I'm sure that some people will follow you into the Lion's den.

[-] 1 points by MuadDib (154) 13 years ago