Forum Post: Peace justice and equality ?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 12:29 p.m. EST by Blast
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Those words have never been real since antiquity. Check history you will see that's had never happened. Mass people had always been exploited by wiser ones who knows how to feed them with illusions and lies to turn them like zombies. You people are literaly donkeys you fight today for your "right" because you are less confortably sitted in your sofa with a Cola instead of a Coca. You only want justice for you but dont care about others, check the state of southern countries called "third world" by minds world enslavers or ONU. Shame on you, where have you been all the past decades when the evil spider was just weaving the web you are trying to shut down now? Too busy you were enjoying capitalism and hollywood bullshit. Now taste it and think about those who lived a miserable life to let you live the f*kin american dream, those you are trying to turn like you with your chaotic way of life and thinking. A wise man said "you can't change people (and their situation) if they dont want to change what's inside of them" You have what you deserve blame yourself for being such good slaves. Also I'm pretty sure this movement is leaded by the BIG HEADS responsible of the worldwild economic disaster, to cross to an other step of their evil program. The Greek debt, fake world crisis, banking fraud, where is the money ??? ..... ask the "fake jews" and "fake christians" infiltrated in your politics and communities, you have given your trust to them because you stopped thinking and looking for truth by yourself. The situation is desesperated and people are not ready or too much addicted to modern living to make sacrifices and they know that and they got you by your nuts. Say hell to the GLOBAL WORLD set up by people who hate and dont have any regards for humans life and the planet. Chase them down like sorcerer that whats they are.