Forum Post: Pay No Attention To The Men Behind The Curtain
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 3, 2011, 9:36 a.m. EST by davideasternsun
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Watch Aaron Russo's America: Freedom to Fascism Video here:
Better yet, download and install the Youtube downloader app from cnet and then save this and other important youtube videos before they are banned and removed. Then boycott the Fed Income Tax in 2012...
Then, watch G. Edward Griffin's video on the Federal Reserve as a private cartel and read his book Creature From Jekyll Island:
Learn all you can about the Rothschilds and Warburgs, Rockefellers and will eventually understand how a handful of European bankers have been manipulating the world economy since Napolean, including the funding and inciting of many world wars....all of this explains where we are today and what we need to do to take back America from these European interests and megalomaniacs....
Arrest and sieze the assets of these subhumans,distribute the wealth to all people of the world,the ones these transnationals stole it from,estimated 500 trillion dollars of hoarded wealth,Forgive the debt,a manufactured number based on fiat currecy backed by no goods or services..Impeach Congress,The Supreme Court, bought and paid for pubic servants for banks and corporations,printing 50 trillion dollars of fake money and bailing out/bonuses for the very ones who bankrupted the world economy..High Treason is the charge,with complacency and withholding evidence..Clean house,its full of Rats.