Forum Post: Pay heed,OWS. Greed is not illegal but larceny is.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 7:14 a.m. EST by HankQT
from Charleston, SC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I have worked the trenches. I am a retired computer financial systems analyst. Companies steal America’s savings by unjustly diluting shares to subsidize corporate goals: Lavish executive compensation. legions of lobbyists, profit growth that exceeds GDP growth, campaign funding as of 2010, mergers and acquisitions, etc. Corporations have pilfered hundreds of $billions from the middle class in the last dozen years. The illicit transfer of funds from the masses to a few has created a huge wealth gap. Companies are crushing a democracy and building an aristocracy / plutocracy. This crime wave has impoverished the middle class and brought us to the brink of ruin. The retirement dreams of millions have faded. Jobs outlook is bleak. Housing is kaput. Ad nauseam.
The thefts of shareholder value must be exposed and punished. Alert the Administration. Harangue your Congressmen. Enlighten your friends. If you incurred substantial losses since 2000 insist the FBI investigate your situation. Impale or hang in effigy the SEC as a defective guardian / rogue cop / gang leader.