Forum Post: Pause to Reflect upon the Deaths of Timothy and Ramie Grimmer, along with their mother.
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 9, 2011, 2:45 a.m. EST by KidsDeserveBetter
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
It is beyond tragic that a mother could become so desperate in her attempt to care for her children while living in poverty here in the U.S.A., that she could be living in a tent on a beach with her two children, unable to secure food stamps. An American tragedy.
I am so poor I can't afford to take care of my kids.
I have an Idea lets kill them and myself.
This woman had a history of mental illness, people. This has NOTHING to do with not getting welfare.
She was found capable of home schooling her children how mentally ill could she have been? But the system is enough to drive anyone crazy!
That says something about the standards for keeping kids out of school, not about whether she was at all stable.
So what are you saying the standards suck? Mental patients are teaching our children? What?
Home schooling in many states has no safeguards for children who are home but not schooled. The lack of standards is what I was referring to.
how do you know?
From the article linked above:
"Shepherd said her former daughter-in-law had a history of mental illness and Dale Grimmer tried three times to have the children removed from her custody while they were living in Anaconda, Mont., and Ohio with no results."
"Many, many times he tried to tell people what was happening and nobody would listen," Shepherd said.
The mother in law is stating this and she had personal gain from stating this. She had the kids to gain. They also tried to get the mother on other things but the investigating officers found nothing.
I know this is an old post, but I have been away for a while. I am dating a girl now whose Ex is/was emotionally abusive to her and her children. He poisons their minds with lies about me (went as far as accusing me of sexually abusing his kids), their mother, and their mother's family. The man is INSANE. My girlfriends lawyer wants to do a psych eval to even see if he is fit to be a father. Problem is it could cost UP TO 10K
My point is, Children Services have been called on him NUMEROUS times, and their response is the same every time: There is no pattern of violence.
Emotional abuse just doesn't leave marks the police can see, so just because the "authorities" don't find anything "wrong" doesn't mean that everything is peachy.
I hope those children are to stay with their mother. Wow man, deep. Cudos for staying with her despite all the difficulties.
We have his visitation down to 3 overnight and 3 4 hour visits a month. So the majority of the time they are with their mother. Legally he is their father so he has rights to see his children until court ordered not to do so. She is an AMAZING woman who I would do ANYTHING for.
My point is, the authorities don't always get to see the whole picture, so when I hear the "authorities" found nothing wrong...I am quite skeptical.
I think we should nominate you for poster boy of all the Occupy Movement is against.
We should.
Maybe I'll put up a Forum Post, and we can all have a temp check on the matter . . .
Do whatever you want's a free country, and a free website. Doesn't get any better than that! Have at it. I am definitely against the OWS movement, but, like Schindler, if I can save just a few I have done my job.
somehow I am convinced, Schindler was a far, far better man, than you can ever hope to be.
You are entitled to your opinion!
So everyone who kills someone is crazy in your eyes?
She killed in desperation, it cannot be said that she killed because she was crazy at that moment. It should be seen as to what it is, The terrible pressure from a failing system causing utter dispair and personal tragedies. I am sure there are more such stories. I know of a man who set his house ablaze because his children were taken by the privatised social workers in his country and because these are privatised the man was ordered to pay the social workers business for the care of his children and he had to hand in his home to them as payment. He would rather see it burned, to which they declared him mad and put him in jail for an act of desperation. I am not trying to attack you here so no reason to start calling names, I am just asking to look at the bigger picture here. I am sorry these children are dead too, they died at the hands of some system that was crazy. It is sad and should not happen.
Yes, everyone who kills someone is crazy. Everyone who takes their own life is crazy.
How do feel about self-defense?
If someone is crazy enough to try to kill me, then I am crazy enough to try to kill them first. Insanity will match insanity, and the most insane at that moment will win.
Why do you considering defending yourself to be insanity? It's self preservation.
That is precisely what I said.
You said that you would be "crazy" Self defense is sane.
Is not an act of insanity used in self-preservation exactly that?
No .
Hey RepubliCrats and Wall Street: we don't agree with your concepts, you'd rather be washed in blood. We won't let this tragic loss be in vain.
I can't believe you liberal filth are actually trying to justify a woman murdering children by blaming it on America. What the ripe fuck is wrong with you Marxist assholes?
A lot of people see suicide as an act of sadness or desperation, not realizing that there is often psychosis and/or massive anger involved. It can be the big "up yours" in the sky.
This tragedy, the largely unreported family suicides that occur and are known by those who listen to police scanners or who are in law enforcement and emergency medicine all would have received assistance much more quickly if more of the biggest multi-national companies and local business people pitched in to create the types of social programs that would eclipse any created and offered by government.
Here in Reno, NV they ran a special report concerning our 1800 Homeless students, you can read about them and their plight in the articles listed here: homeless
You might also run across the stories of homeless families in 2009 and 2010. Because Reno can also be among the most dangerously cold places in the US, finding homeless families with children or anyone homeless during the coldest times of the year the community and local public services and law enforcement take an active effort in finding them to get them out of the cold and into shelters for food, clothing and protection.
It doesn't have to be this way (for people to get this desperate) if they can be told and shown that there are people in their communities who do care, can and will help!