Forum Post: Pause for a moment...Think about what has been achieved...and how...
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 3, 2011, 2:28 a.m. EST by OccupyTheForestGuy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I'm sitting in Canada. I'm more than a little pissed at my "Harper Government" which is running roughshod over the people. That is what first drew me to the Occupy Movement.
I believe that the US government is corrupt. I believe that my Canadian government is corrupt.
You don't need to look very hard for proof.
So, we all need change. Serious change!
That is what OWS is about. Changing the way that things work and holding forth hope that the new way will be better.
Slow down for a bit and consider what has already happened around the world. Countries are rising in rebellion because the people elected to represent us are screwing us over in every way that they can. People are at the end of their ropes dealing with increasingly oppressive management of their lives. We're working hard to live and our elected representatives keep asking us to work harder and harder.
Who is profiting from all of our hard work? It isn't us, just so you know.
Now, here is a perspective that I haven't seen much of on this forum...
You've already succeeded! You've shaken the very foundations of a few countries! And, you're not done, by a long shot!
I want to thank the Occupy Movement for giving voice to the masses. Maybe not in support of OWS, but to their own little grievances about how the Corps run the governments to run over the people.
You've got people thinking about things that aren't right. Things that are contrary to why they voted for specific people or ideas. They are figuring out that the whole deal smells... The fuse has been lit.
So, we're winning. It won't be fast. It won't be gentle. It won't be easy. But, this is all headed in the right direction. If OWS doesn't reach a consensus on how to perfect government, it really doesn't matter. Government involves people, and will therefore never be perfect. What is more important is to keep the pressure on and keep popping into people's vision. Certainly, a more concerted voice that can outline general direction would be great, to get more people to buy in, but visibility is the real value. Just being there, here, over there, wherever, is so damn important that we can't forget it.
Pause, rest, plan, act. Don't drop off the radar. Don't give up the fight! But, being there is the most important part as it will show the millions of other pissed off people that something can be done. They'll join, or start their own pressure on the powers to get change happening.
We have built it...they will come. Well, you get the idea.
Infighting will hurt us. There has to be a way to promote a united front. Organize and ask people to represent the movement. There is a need for organizational leaders, but they need not lead the movement. They only will be voices for the concerns of the many.
I've read a lot of the posts and comments here. I've seen a lot of good ideas. I've read of many dedicated, intelligent and creative people. Let them help us to evolve...
Don't lose sight of what has already been achieved. Celebrate that you've already changed the world a little. Plan for the next change...
I've also thought about a game called "Whack-A-Troll." But that's for another post.