Forum Post: Participate to clean up next G20 summits
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 10:06 p.m. EST by Nakiourse
from Genève, GE
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Corporations and banks have captured our governments, winning vast bailouts after helping to create the crisis. Now they are buying their way into the very meeting that could decide the world's financial future. Together we can persuade summit President Nicolas Sarkozy to cancel the sponsorship -- let's build a massive public outcry that causes a media firestorm and forces Sarkozy to kick out the corporate sponsors and clean up the G20. Sign the petition and forward widely: THIS IS NEVER TOO LATE TO ACT! THINK TO NEXT SUMMITS!!!
International media. France 24 is a very progressive news organization and I think they would not be afraid to ask Sarkozy things.
I follow France24 quite regularly and appreciate the "equipe"! Alors, ensemble nous sommes plus fort! Be well!