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Forum Post: Paris '68 ?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 2:03 p.m. EST by jffaughnan (4) from Boulder, CO
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Just a thought. For everyone looking for the meaning or historic origins for this new amorphous protest movement the "Situationist" movement that played an integral role in the Paris uprising of 1968 is a good place to start looking. Like the OWS it was a movement that grew out of the disaffection present in Gaulist Society in the late 1960's, speciffically the sense that the game was rigged and that no amount of hard work or commitment would open the doors of wealth, prosperity and power. Its greatest tool were art and slogans designed to poke fun at and prod the status quo. Like the OWS movement its ultimate agenda was largely unclear in terms of specific goals. One thing was certain. It did seek to establish a true humanitarian democracy with Anarcho-Syndicalist leanings. A truly people oriented society. Sadly, its moment was short and as is too often the case with such movements it ended in violence and Gaulist society prevailed. Perhaps we will be luckier here and now...



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