Forum Post: Parents & Children Admire the 'A' Student - Society ( USA Kleptocracy ) Admires the 'F' Student
Posted 12 years ago on March 14, 2012, 8:11 p.m. EST by Badsexchange
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Long ago there was a book called 'Motorcycle Maintenance' by Persig, and in that book he said ...
'F' students are free thinkers,
'A' Students are shit eating muppet parasites that can mimic,
To answer your question, most famous entrepreneurs were 'F' students, ... Dropouts, Bill Gates dropped out, and so did Mr. iPhone.
Read the book and learn the real, the 'A' student is just someone that can please everyone all the time, and the 'F' student doesn't give about anything but himself. Surely society prefers the 'A', but the 'F' gets rich.
So its funny cuz in our society we only respect 'money' so at the end of the day the 'F' student wins the admiration, and gets the gold, glory, and girls. The 'A' student may become a politician, or get some boring job brown-nosing.
The secret of getting an 'A' is the ability to brown nose ALL your teachers.
Nothing like cherry picking a few examples that fit your theory.
What about D-B?
I once knew an 'A' student who became a lawyer.
What does Persig know? He was only a college professor.
A lawyer?
Hell most OWS Bots are 'A' students.
Did you know that working for Goldman Sachs and posting dribble on this site is like the only job available post-grad today?