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Forum Post: Painting the 1% with a broad brush amounts to discrimination!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 11, 2011, 7:23 a.m. EST by thomasmiller (163)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Which wealthy people in the so called "1%" are attacking jobs? Vague statements of "they are taking our jobs!" or "the 1%" really do no good. How about specifics, details and names? When you get that specific list then just focus on those people rather then painting everyone in the top1% with a broad brush.

The reality is many wealthy people contribute to charities and employ people in real jobs. Bill Gates is a prime example who runs a foundation and has contributed much of his personal wealth to charity. Is he another one of those evil 1 percenters?

If a wealthy person is hiring people, spending their money domestically or contributing to a charity then why should you take issue with them?

Do not focus on vague notions of who is in the 1% or 99%. Focus on exact names, details and specifics. It is patently evil to paint any group of people with a broad brush!



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[-] 1 points by byronx (26) 13 years ago

No, the enemy is not the 1%. It's the system allowing this great disparity. While the 'few' dwell in empty mansions, the 'many' live in broken shanties. While the few can stock foods until they rot, the many die of hunger. While the few can control the branches of government, the many suffer from its indifference. While the few can pay large tax, the many don't have a reason to pay tax at all. We are against the system that has brought this great inequality, not any particular people in the 1%. They will come and go. But the system will remain, and the great disparity, until we destroy it.

[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 13 years ago

There are separate issues here. The real 1% simply control too much wealth, denying millions of a livig wage. People don't want charity, they want human dignity. Income desparity produces squallor and degredation. It prevents the majority from reaching human fulfillmet, which if it is realized, produces a better world even for those who are financially successful. We must tap, rather than suppress the human spirit. Certainly there are those amoung the 1%who try to promote the good, but they are also trapped in a spiritually bereft worldview based upon fear, and an artificial assumption that the basic impulse of humans is aquisition and not something more noble. The greatest leaders attempt to bring out the higher lights of mankind, rather than striving to oppress it. There inlies the failing of plutocracy and oligarchy, systems bound ultimately to failure.

[-] 1 points by April (3196) 13 years ago

1% buys their representation, 99% are left with the scraps.
It's actually a narrow brush, only 1% . I paint them with a narrow brush and accuse them of corrupting our government. For all I care, they can keep their money. Keep their money out of my government. Because its my government too.

[-] 1 points by outsidethebox (27) from Dorset, VT 13 years ago

Fight wealthism!

[-] 1 points by TheKing (93) 13 years ago

Yeah, whether you like them or not, they pay 36% of the federal income taxes. The bottom 50% pays 3% of federal income taxes.

[-] 1 points by Meesa (173) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I completely agree, Thomas. I think the dividing line that's been created is actually becoming a rate limiting step for change. People are focusing on "hating the rich" when they could be improving how the system works, improving their communities, improving their families. I just posted a mini manifesto on moving ahead with "occupy" and redefining this whole thing as a movement of "engagement." No demonizing there, just looking at our country with ALL of our eyes/minds/senses and seeing what can be done. What do you think? http://occupywallst.org/forum/proposal-for-ows-20-dont-occupy-engage/

[-] 1 points by JZes (30) 13 years ago

I agree, there are productive people in the group who make all kids of helpful things, and there are those who just move money about. This produces nothing cool or useful to anyone that I can understand. Perhaps I'm unenlightened, but I'm much less worried about the rich fellow who invented my computer, then I am about the rich fellow pushing for the next financial incursion or war.

[-] 0 points by jayp74 (195) 13 years ago

Yes, yes, yes! This movement is about nothing more than class warfare. They think all rich people are greedy liars and are always engaging in corruption. When I see a rich person, I think of someone who is successful. With rare exception, the rich got where they are through hard work. And with rare exception, all are honest, hard working people who just want to get ahead and provide a better life for themselves and their families.

I started out with thousands in college debt and $0 in assets. Today I drive a nice car, live in a nice house and go on great vacations. All because I've worked my ass off all my career - currently working 60 to 70 hour work weeks. When I see this "1% verses 99%" bulshit, my blood boils. Especially when it comes from a bunch of drum beating, pot smoking, rioting freeloaders that sleep in tents and shit in the streets.

[-] 1 points by Cocreator (306) 13 years ago

The Movement is about Corruption and Accountability, Printing 20 Trillion dollars,backed by no goods or services,bailing out the richest corporations on Earth,worldwide,giving bonuses to the very people who bankrupted the world economy,flooding the markets with trillions of fake dollars.. Fake money, Fake Debt..If people don't address the issues we will keep getting reamed..High Treason is the Charge..Noone knows where the money went and noone is talking..Obstruction,witholding evidence,bribery extortion,counterfeiting..These are Highly organised Criminals,Shills for a Bigger Boss..

[-] 0 points by jayp74 (195) 13 years ago

Agreed. The bailouts were given to those who contribute to the politicians in Washington. It's a system where the politicians and the corrupt in business, unions and other organizations are in total collusion.

Personally, the world debt scares the shit out of me. It's all going to collapse one day, and it ain't gonna be pretty.

[-] 1 points by Cocreator (306) 13 years ago

Fake Money, Fake Debt.. Fake stocks,fake commodities and mortgages..Corruption at every level..Banks and Brokerages stealing from the people..Accountablity and serious seizure of assets is in order, High Treason,obstruction,witholding ecidence,shredding evidence..Anyone who protects and supports these criminals is accomplice to the crime..

[-] 0 points by TheCloser (200) 13 years ago

I agree. In my opinion we don't have a problem with the wealthy, we have a problem with corruption. This '99%' message suggests a war on the rich - which is just plain rubbish!

[-] -1 points by thomasmiller (163) 13 years ago

In American history, there has always been a certain group of people to scapegoat. One time it was the Irish, the other times it was the Blacks, then another time it was the Japanese...even before America was a country you had the salem witch trials where people were painted as witches.

This time around its the rich and yesterday it was the Arabs/Muslims. People want to blame their problems on someone else.