Forum Post: P2: Presence
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 12, 2012, 9:43 a.m. EST by Kavatz
from Edmonton, AB
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
begin collecting fees
develop web and mobile apps
incorporate essential services
low-budget public ads
draft P3 constitutional amendments
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P2-5: Draft P3 Constitutional Amendments
set rules for acquired/consumed P3 Subsidiaries (strictly enforced libertarian socialism)
refine rules for P1 and P2 Subsidiaries (Responsible Capitalism)
P2-1: Begin Collecting Fees
contracts signed by subsidiaries willing to remain with the conglomerate
direct deposit arranged with subsidiaries
force ex-subsidiaries to remove the conglomerate symbol from their logo
ensure subsidiaries know how much every other subsidiary is paying in fees, and how the fees are spent
P2-2: Develop Web and Mobile Apps
subsidiaries have accounts, all other users are guests (completed in P1)
main page is search engine with options in left column and the right 80% of the page is directory search results (completed in P1)
directory search results are tall rows of subsidiary ads, including logo, slogan and brief menu (completed in P1)
clicking on an ad takes users to subsidiary's storefront
storefront is customized by subsidiary with modules for sales floor, shopping cart, customer service, shipping, scheduler and more
Optional for Subsidiary: The Subject Matter Expert module
user (consumer, researcher) submits question in specific category
subsidiary volunteers reps to be SMEs (subject matter experts)
SMEs receive questions and respond
user receives response with subsidiary ad presented with the same logo, slogan and menu as directory search result
Watchdog component (RC agenda
users evaluate subsidiaries and government representatives
users display Watchdog as it ties in with directory search and SME module
users can bring up watchdog by clicking on ads and other entities (db of government and corporate representatives and hyperlinks on names)
P2-3: Incorporate Essential Services
services provided to subsidiaries financed by the conglomerate
assuming using the umbrella of the conglomerate reduces average costs in the following areas:
-HR and Benefits
Essential Services to be operated as a unique subsidiary, free from typical member fees and non-profitable
employees of Essential Services receive high-end compensation as compared to the national average
Portal on website ( referenced )
P2-4: Low-Budget Public Ads
promoting the conglomerate, not the subsidiaries
social media