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Forum Post: Oxymoron1: Wall Street Shares

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 2:27 p.m. EST by Statman2 (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

To the reporters who are looking for soundbites on the Occupy Wall Street Beat:

Are Wall Street Barons Captains or Pirates of Industry; Are Wall Street Barons Builders or Fleecers/Skewers of America?

Oxymoron1: Wall Street Shares Oxymoron2: Wall Street Investment Oxymoron3:Wall Street and Shared Responsibility

Wall Street Risk Modeling: Louie the Bookie has more constraints on him than a Wall Street broker.

Willy Sullivan the famous bank robber said he robbed banks because that's where the money was. The Police Commissioner arrested him. Wall Street stole our money-- Well, Mr Commissioner?

Wall Street Math: Bayes Theorem: 1/1000 chance to win, 999/1000 chance to lose. I cap my losses, so I win.

Wall Street Computer Models: GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out), Junk=AAA, so Econometric Models Crash.

Adm. Hyman Rickover went down with each nuclear sub on its maiden voyage. Any similar personal investment (risk) by Wall Street CEOs? Don't bet on it. It's1000/1000 (100%)against.

Does Wall Street stop America from "Being All She Can Be?" Just ask Main Street.

Thank you.



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[-] 1 points by georgejay (21) 13 years ago

why do you dopes pretend that Obama isn`t in bed with everything you hate ? you know or should know that he took more money from Goldman Sachs than any other candidate and his whole economic team is made up of Wall st ceos stop lying or wake up and face reality