Forum Post: OWS.....mislead or just lazy?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 9:26 a.m. EST by whynot
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If OWS is really serious about doing anything other than having a hippie commune in NYC, then every OWS movement needs to move to the Mall area in Washington D.C.....or r u guys just to lazy to pack your tarps and go?
Insulting people is a great way to get people on board with your ideas. Does your mom call you names. Your parents must not have raised you right
We all love you RantCasey.....u r a star!
I think that since the majority seem to be lefties, they will not protest DC because of the President. Either that or they are afraid of being labeled "racist" like the TEA Party was.
No, it's neither of those. To Occupy Washington, they would have to actually organize and move....that cuts into too much bong and drum time.
Hippy Dippy weather man sez colds a comin
dC way warmer dudes.