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Forum Post: ows, you're leaving behind 25-33% of nyc children and their mothers

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 10:06 p.m. EST by turtlebeanz (40)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

depending on the neighborhood, a quarter to a third of of nyc children and their single moms are living at/below the poverty line. most of these women and children are not yet in a position to stand for ourselves at night time ows GAs and i think it's important that the movement not leave us behind. you have to think of young children as a form of disability that exhausts impoverished women and makes it impossible, often, for us to be in places you assume everyone can get to, at times you assume are more or less reasonable for all. you should have women who have spent time in the welfare system talking to you about what is going on with us and our children. you should have us present when you are thinking about initiatives pertaining to education and healthcare. our children might as well be living in a different country than wealthier new yorkers (and many of you) when they get sick or when they consider what to do with their lives. brothers and sisters, please think about broader inclusion. peace.



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[-] 1 points by SSJHilscher (75) from Madison, WI 13 years ago

"Women are more deserving of compassion than men."

What, the children's fathers don't count?

[-] 0 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

One quarter to a third of NYC children??? Are on welfare? Are you kidding me?

Have any of you women ever considered that a male cannot be raised in an emotionally balanced manner without a male presence? Because the dynamics between male and female are entirely different?

This, folks, is definitely a product of the '60s. And we can take it one step further; their supposed independence has forced a reciprocal submissiveness in the populous that heretofore been non-existent, as the evolutionary need to balance.

And this isn't the conservative right speaking here... I'm a moderate intent on observation and truth.