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Forum Post: OWS Working Group Needs Your Help

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 1:49 a.m. EST by ms3000 (253)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

If you would like to join this Working Group to assist us in completing this declaration and, more importantly, organizing an election of the 870 delegates, please email us the following AND BE SURE TO PUT VOLUNTEER FOR WORKING GROUP IN THE SUBJECT because we get a great deal of emails with suggestions that we read through.

Your first name

Your city or town (and the OWS meeting you can attend)

Your gender

Your computer operating system

Your areas of interest (e.g. campaign finance reform, student loan debt relief, protecting the environment, health care, etc)

Your areas of expertise

Any special skills you may have to offer the Working Group

How many hours per week you can devote to this project

Best days and times to participate in online meetings

We will then compile a list of options for meeting electronically and we will vote on that method.

We will also circulate a spreadsheet with everyone's contact information so if you give us your last name, be sure to indicate whether you wish to have it appear on the contact list.

The Working Group's email is the99declaration@gmail.com and the webpage is https://sites.google.com/site/the99percentdeclaration/

Michael S. Parsons, Facilitator of the OWS Working Group on the 99% Declaration/Petition and Plan of Action



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