Forum Post: OWS wants to pass the DREAM Act and universal healthcare?? Huffpo article
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 9:59 p.m. EST by mgiddin1
from Linthicum, MD
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
An excerpt: Their plan includes to elect delegates by direct vote, one male and one female per each of the 435 Congressional Districts. The office would be open to any United States citizen over the age of 18. The 870 delegates would then compose a petition of grievances that would be non-partisan.
The posted “demands” are only a working list of “suggestions,” however. Number one and two are a ban on private contributions to politicians seeking or holding federal office and instead public financing for campaigns, and a constitutional amendment to reverse the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court.
The list then goes on to suggest single-payer national health care, immediate passage of the DREAM Act, a jobs plan, a deficit reduction plan and recalling military personnel at all non-essential bases.
The movement would also reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act, increase regulation and increase taxes by way of eliminating corporate tax loopholes." (end excerpt)
I apologize if this news article was already posted.
All I can say about these demands is WTF? I thought this movement was NOT co-opted by the left wing. Was I wrong?
That's from this guy with the google site and the yahoo group. He didn't put this thru the consensus process at the GA according to what I hear.
If you join his yahoo group, you can see the arguing. It's just him and his group, there are still no official "demands".
Thank GOD if you're right! I was thinking that this is what OWS is about. I mean there is some good stuff in there - like Glass-Steagall, like repealing Citizens United.
So this is disinfo????
I don't think disinfo exactly, just someone who I think wants to "help" but doesn't want to go thru the process. I'm not sure how it got picked up by Huffpo, tho. Whether he contacted them, or if they just saw his messages here (he has posted a few times this link:)
Good because I'm not on the ground; sometimes this forum is so myopic and there are so many threads that you can't tell what's official and what isn't.
I'm wondering if huffpo is generally for or against the movement. It seems they've all picked sides. I kinda respect huffpo, hope they respect OWS.
I've read both supportive and non-supportive stuff on huffpo. It depends who the writer is.
Is this his site, or is this official then? (sorry not meaning to advertise, just want to know).
Yea this is the group that huffpo is writing about. The people who actually attend the NYCGA are very adamant that he is NOT speaking for OWS as a whole.
Oh ok thanks.
No, you're not wrong.
They just decided to figure out the truth for themselves and what they discovered is the correct plan of action happened to coincide more with what the "left wing" believes than what the "right wing" believes.
Sorry about that, but just because the "left wing" believes it doesn't mean it's wrong. They're not like the majority of Americans who identify emotionally with one party or the other and then accept what they're told by that party, they are truth seekers.
They did what I did back in 2008 when the Great Recession hit. I was a Libertarian for almost all of my voting life because it sounded good, enabled me to rationalize my selfishness and I wanted to believe it.
But when the Great Recession hit, I decided I had to find out the truth. I was in a unique position to do this because I didn't identify with either Liberals or Republicans. I have close family members and friends of both parties (my father is a democrat, my mother was a republican). So I studied economics and politics intensively for a long time. And I came to a set of conclusions about what's the truth, what's unknown and what's false. And lo-and-behold, most of the truth happened to coincide with what the "left wing" believed.
I'm still not a liberal even though I'm convinced that more of there beliefs are currently correct than the conservatives because, what I really am, at my core, is anti-power. I believe in a balance of powers and I'm convinced that, whereas the government was once too strong, the balance has now swung the opposite way so the corporations are too powerful. If it swings the other way, then I will become a "conservative".
i know i do. but thats just one voice. you can post yours it takes a country...