Forum Post: OWS to take the initiative - Respectfully, please consider....
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 10:22 a.m. EST by bbf4d1016
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Boston Occupy supporter here (as everyone looks to your leadership, please consider) It's my concern that before there are 10ft. snow-drifts, with chilling winds, that OWS will take the initiative to self-vacate and re-group for the Winter. All Occupy groups may need a special 'Reverse Flash-Mob' date for an impressive discreet withdrawal (AND plan for RE-Emergence in the Spring) I feel OWS is the only Occupy Group to execute this successfully. I know there is understandable opposition to this perceived capitulation, but the self-initiation nature of this and self-control secures the movement in safety, health, and effectiveness.
Suggested Date (for the 'Completion 2011'event, pull-up camp and march) Auspicious, Nov. 1 (Celtic New Year, All Saints Day, etc. to May 1 Reconvene)
Taking the initiative, seizing the planning and execution of the Occupation (Coming AND Going) retains autonomy, independence and respect.