Forum Post: OWS - The Musical
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 4:07 p.m. EST by mynameiscurly
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"OWS - Oh What Shit", the musical.
Michael Moore plays the King. He wears a pink leotard with crap stains.
Chaz Bono as the queen. He/She wears pirate outfit with crap stains.
obama is the jester. He wears a blue dress with Clinton stains on the front and crap stains in the rear.
An off Broadway production. Tickets are free for those attending with crap stains.
The lead story on the OWS news feed concerns some of the "sisters" in jail and how cops are walking by the jail cells, and from time to time the cell toilets. Let me get this straight, they were CRAPPING in a bucket in a park and now they want some dignity? OWS - The Musical would include semi-private crapper buckets with glitter on the side.
And you joined today to share all that?
Today? No. I have been on here for a couple of weeks now. Reading, posting, getting a big kick out of the circus going on. Lots of funny comments by people that could fill a psychologist book. 200 plus years of America and watching people in tents with crap stains being lead by others with crap stains. America needed this laugh for a short time. You into crap stain humor? You watch Saturday Night Live with the crap stain type of humor?
No. Richard Pryor did a stand up bit reflecting on the juvenile aspect of toilet humor. It is usually the first comedy routine that people start with.
I wonder if everyone is watching Youtube of Richard Pryor doing toilet humor in the park. Out HERE,,, in mid-America, this is what we think of OWS. Every news story on the evening news is about people crapping on police cars and stuff. It makes us laugh thinking about NY folks crapping in buckets. LMAO. Anyway, if you hear of any more toilet or crap stuff going on there,,,, and we know it is,,,, keep us in the loop. This is the most fun most of America has had since Monica forgot to close her mouth.
Who's going to play you? I've got a great design for your costume - it'll take two people: One to play Rush Limbaugh's ass and the other to be you with your head buried all the way up to the neck in it!
I'm not an OWS'er. I dont have crap stains. I'm Tea Party so I may have a spot of tea on my Brooks Bro sports coat, nice expensive coat. Do you want to wipe the stage down during intermission so we can have some fresh looking crap during the second performance?
Sorry - Teabaggers should be teabagging Glenn Beck. We need one person to play Glenn Beck's testicles, and you can mouth your lines around them. You'll have to shout because your words will be muffled.
Having problems with Spongebob's outfit. His square pants dont show crap stains once he is in the water. We need someone in wardrobe to fix this. Disaster!
Cleavon Little plays a sheriff.
Nancy Pelosi plays herself as the Wicked Witch of the West. lol
When she gets off of her broom she leaves a huge crap stain.