Forum Post: OWS Supporters list !? Is this what the movement is about!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 8:03 p.m. EST by tesn1
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The list below are groups and politician who have given their support to the movement. Is this truly what the movement wants or is about?
The List
- Communist Party USA
- The American Nazi Party
- Revolutionary Communist Party
- Black Panthers
- Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan
Some big names in the political world have also lent support to the cause:
- President Barack Obama
- Vice President Joe Biden
- Nancy Pelosi
- Bernie Sanders
International Leaders and Governments:
- Iran’s Supreme Leader, the Ayatollah Khamenei
- Hugo Chavez
- Revolutionary Guards of Iran
- The Govt of North Korea
- Communist Party of China
- Hezbollah
If the KKK decided to officially support the NAACP would that make the NAACP a racist organization?
Thank you for this wonderful argument. I am going to borrow it since this seems to be the new attack on OWS =)
the KKK and the NAACP both Support the OWS! The reality is that both are in some way racist. Yes, the NAACP has been found to be racist toward whites, and is supported by the black panthers. The black panthers is to whites as the KKK is to blacks. Racist to the other.
What a twisted and obvious avoidance of the point. An organization has no more control over who decides to say they support them than they do over who says they don't. Why are you stretching so far outside of logic and reason to try to pin some association on the movement that doesn't exist? What frightens you so much about middle class people standing up for themselves?
Nothing frightens me about standing up for what you believe, but to align yourself with the Arab Spring movement ! That movement was and is more about putting Sharia law in place over the secular governments then it was about the the dictators in control. Do you want to live under a socialist system like Sharia law! A system where women are property and have no rights. maybe a stretch but if you walk around the different protest, it is all there to see. The underlying movement of factions who want to see the US fail.
Do you have examples of Arab Spring Revolutions that have been used to implement Sharia Law?
Furthermore, what part of Sharia Law says that women and property don't have rights?
"Libya: Al Qaeda flag flown above Benghazi courthouse The black flag of Al Qaeda has been spotted flying over a public building in Libya, raising concerns that the country could lurch towards Muslim extremism."
Ok? That doesn't imply the implementation of Sharia Law. For all you know it's some Muslim extremists trying to make a point.
Ok, want to be more specific...
"Mustafa Abdel Jalil, Libya’s interim leader, declared Sunday that post-Gaddafi Libya will be run as an Islamic state with legislation based on sharia law."
Thank you for doing what nobody else seemed capable of.
If the Al Queda flag flying in the capital of the Libya was not disconcerting enough, it should have sufficed to show that those "rebels" were anything but the "freedom fighters looking for democracy" the media and political powers, led us to believe (or at least did all they could to get people to believe it). And it is an accepted fact that Al Queda is a strong proponent of Sharia Law (just take a look at what the Taliban had established in Afghanistan -- no school for women, women can not leave the house without the escort of a male relative, no kite flying <-- seriously LOL)
Seriously, were we just Al Queda's Air Force in Libya? That is a frightening question...
Read the Haditha and the quoran. It is very clear women submit to their men. Strict Sharia law means a woman cannot do anything without being accompanied by her owner husband. And look up about Sharia law being the basis of the governmennt in the new Libian and Egyption government. I will post the sharia laws that show this in a open forum post.
I asked you to do it, since you made the claim.
Not everyone takes the Quran that seriously, just as nobody should take the Bible literally. Both are silly works of fiction that are meant to teach simple "life lessons". They both just forgot to take out the nasty parts.
Please stop fear-mongering.
You have never been to the Middle East. I have. In war and peace. They believe in teh quoran, literally and it is part of their belief to life if it betters the movement of sharia law. Read the book! and see for yourself. I read them both and many more.
I've never been to the Middle East? What gives you that assumption?
That is not an assumption. I read the Haditha and the Quoran and talked to many in the Middle East who preached to me about the Teachings of Allah. If you are a christian or a jew they believe you should convert or be killed. It is Sharia law. READ
The OWS movement is not "aligning" itself with any "Arab Spring" movement. Why do you keep grasping desperately at ignorant ideas that have no merit or basis in relevance? You must be afraid of something?
Oh for the love of Pete, of course they are. It's written write on the main page of this forum:
"We are using the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to achieve our ends"
Learn to read.
Why are you so frightened? Just answer the question.
Frightened? Of what? These kids? Don't be stupid. I was in Vietnam. It takes a lot more than Ketchup in a wet tent to frighten me.
LMFAO, Yeah, I believe that,...NOT! What a wishful thinking joker you must be.
Whatever helps your blinders, buddy. No skin off my nose.
Claiming to be a Vet and not being a Vet is a crime. You should go join your buddies on Wall Street. But then hiding behind an anonymous handle on a message board makes you feel safe doesn't it?
Nope I will be there all day friday. Wearing a hat from the Navy Ship I was on. Want to challenge my status as not only a VET but too as a disabled vet, rated 100% permenant and totally disabled. Bring it on. Meet me outside the entry doors of the Panini shop at 2:30 on Friday and I will show you I am not only a Veteran, but disabled.
and if anyone wants to debate the issues bring that on too.
Why don't you go outside and play with a havalena?
Using a tactic is not "aligning". If so, the "Patriot Act" aligns the U.S. with Nazi Germany. When you read, learn to understand what you read and not just "generalize" your twisted beliefs into something that doesn't exist.
Keep closing your eyes.
Nope. Eyes wide open, that is exactly why I am not brainwashed by the Fox News propaganda and lies.
Goodie for you. You go to the toilet all by yourself too? Put a star on your chart.
That's a response from a Vietnam Vet? LOL, what a joke.
Using a tactic IS aligning. You can say something isn't so but that doesn't change the fact that it clearly is. Your arrogance disgusts me.
"When the excesses of business interests and their political proteges in Washington leave the regular guy broke and screwed, the response is always for the lower and middle classes to split down the middle and find reasons to get pissed off not at their greedy bosses but at each other."
Let someone fire you because of a protest, or have you business close and loose everything because of a protest and see if you dont come out swinging.
"It's a classic peasant mentality: going into fits of groveling and bowing whenever the master's carriage rides by, then fuming against the Turks in Crimea or the Jews in the Pale or whoever after spending fifteen hard hours in the fields. You know you're a peasant when you worship the very people who are right now, this minute, conning you and taking your shit. Whatever the master does, you're on board. When you get frisky, he sticks a big cross in the middle of your village, and you spend the rest of your life praying to it with big googly eyes. Or he puts out newspapers full of innuendo about this or that faraway group and you immediately salute and rush off to join the hate squad. A good peasant is loyal, simpleminded, and full of misdirected anger."
None of those parties reflects any aspect of OWS as we are about the prevention of the consolidation of corporations and government aka fascism.
Do the Black Panthers even exist anymore? They were a 1960s group. Are they issuing press releases from the grave?
no, remember those two guys that one time? :P
Not only is your list far from complete, but you're trying to knock OWS because it's a popular and successful movement. That's un-American.
Its is not as popular as you think, and gets is basis from the Arab Spring and that is frightening. Arab Spring has more to do with sharia law and socialistic control then anything else
So you hate Democracy?
No, I believe in a Republic a form of democracy and what our government is supposed to be.
You lost all cred on this one.
Government is supposed to represent the people not the lobbyists and corporations. Of the people by the People and for the People.
Well, that's not a "Republic". So, do you know what you are talking about or are you just typing.
Our gov. is supposed to be Of the people by the People and for the People, not for lobbyists and corporations!
Just typing I see.
Americas official political structure is a Democratic Republic. Sorry to disappoint you people who want our country to operate like ancient Rome. It just doesn't. What you are seeing with the OWS movement is Democracy at work.
No it is more like anarchy with a dash of pure democracy
What's wrong with anarchy?
It always leads to rule by the sword
Current day Somalia !
In a true Democracy, one not only has the right, but the obligation, to incite anarchy as a means to achieve Democracy. Read the Jefferson papers. You know what those are don't you?
Oh yes I do and we really dont want to go there
Why not go there? Are you just to stupid to debate facts?
I have transcriptions of all the Jefferson Papers, you need to go back to school and stop swallowing the maxist bull shit you enjoy.
"Commentators who are not pathological liars know that fringe groups frequently try to align themselves with popular movements to draw attention to themselves."
You cannot agrue the signs held up by the supporters at the park. They are not commentators but the young who have had their minds perverted by many who take advantage and contort the reality
Many at the park agree and accept the supporters
I will again be there tomorrow, and I know all I have to do is take more pictures and video and I can find all the above groups represented and more. Add to that I can too find so many who have no idea what a true socialist government is or the difference between a Democracy or Republic! There is a lack of education among the protesters and it is very obvious.
Well, I'm glad you're helping to educate them by taking pictures. Tch.
Yes, please post the pictures and video of the Nazis and KKK on Wall Street. I've been there more than once and haven't seen what you claim you're seeing.
Wrong again. Maybe you are just full of wishful thinking. You must be either uber wealthy, and a thief, or a complete imbecile.
I lost everything I own, House, Car, and Job. I am a disabled vet and originally spent may days at the park outside 140 broadway where I worked at one time as a middle class piss boy. I took hundreds of pictures of people and talked to as many and found a very broad cross section of supports and most were not what i though.
i have pictures of Nazis (tattoos give them away) and KKK too and again they are not open about who they are but they are. Wolves in sheeps clothes.
I don't believe you. Your obviously a Republican troll.
That just about covers everyone...or perhaps just 99%, if we exclude the Christians. Comforting to know!
Here, Here!!
Your logic leaves a lot to be desired...see the comment from PuerAeternus.
so what?
the OWS needs to be free of influence of outside forces
just because outside groups decided to show an interest, that doesn't change the views of the initial group.
no but the influence is very hard to shake
Is this list accurate>? If it is we perhaps need some bumperlocking
it is very accurate, you can look up numerous news postings on this
Need to keep an eye on them.
Yes, I do and have been to the park many times. It has been come a platform for just about any movement and the influences of the various movements can be seen.
Anyone can give their support to anything, this list couldn't be more meaningless, you have no point.
They are free to join us if they like... but that doesn't mean we're now going to run out and vote democratic or support any of them back
we are the people and we know where we are going, we don't need anything but each other to get there...
by the way, the list is MUCH MUCH bigger than that --- your smear campaign is futile.
This is not a smear campaign but pointing out the facts that many do not realize. Co-opting the movement for their own gains.
Let's say Bin Laden went on CNN today and said "It's wrong to rape babies"
This was a guy who was a complete fuck tard in pretty much every dimension imaginable.
He would still be right about that.
The Govt. of North Korea can be the worthless shit pile it is and still be correct when making a statement against sub prime mortgage fraud.
and they are worthless shit pile because..... you've been there ... or was your entire understanding and opinion handed to you on fox news ... or maybe a little bird told you?
Bin Laden was on CIA payroll up until his death 2 months before Sept 11 - after that his family was given a lump sum and allowed us to use him as a "the enemy" - he was hired to carry out terrorism and that is exactly what we used him for, except the terrorism was against the Americans to manufacture consent to go into the middle east and get oil and resources from governments that would not let us financially take over their resources with our paper money or some computer digits, they used the income from resources to build their country, our 1% wanted it for themselves, and they have it ---- it all worked out for them...
I don't see anything there that makes Bin Laden not a worthless pile of shit.
North Korean Government is a worthless pile of shit. I don't need Fox to tell me that. I have worked for LG, Hanjin, Samsung, Korea Telecom and more. I have worked with the top executives of these companies and helped them with the English versions of their reports on how their company would be involved in rebuilding the North. It was really fascinating actually. This was before 911 in the late 90's
you mean rebuilding the North according to the way we want them to be, we can easily work with them now but we refuse to because they don't embrace capitalism.
so basically unless a peoples do things our way they are bad and evil and piece of shit? funny, i've traveled around the world and lived in three different continents and "worthless pile of shit" is how many refer to America, just sayin... BUT i guess you're best at everything, America is best ... as we can all see.
I actually agree with you. I was mostly using the 'worthless pile of shit' statement to illustrate that someone can be right about one thing and wrong about another. I used NK because it was in his list.
I don't think there is 'one way' to do things at all. Just to illustrate the point, I think there are things NK is right about and things they are wrong about. I would advocate engagement over isolation any day.
First off Bin Laden believe in Pedophelia. It is accepted under Sharia law and is part of the muslim belief. Heck in the Haditha you will find that Muhamad married a 9yr and that was his inspiration.
Simply put North Korea supports it because they want the US to fail so they can rise. Hypocritical I know but its the truth.
But the statements themselves would still be correct.
Do you support the fraud committed by these financial institutions?
If you said yes, it would be wrong. But your stand against terrorism would still be right.
It's a pretty selective list. However, it's entirely possible to be right about one thing and wrong about another at the same time.
I may not agree with the communists, but if they point their finger at clear cut criminal activity and say that is wrong... well they would be right about that.
it is like the kettle is calling the pot black
No it's not.
It's possible to right about one thing and dead wrong about another.
The wrong part doesn't make you any less right about something else.
Communists believe in suppression of the one for the demands of a greater collective. To live for all but it never works that way. They have no reason to point a finger because their basis is not different.
Now you are just mixing things up.
You posted a questionable list. Tried to make the assertion that support by these people diminish the value of the movement.
It doesn't.
It's a weak and lame argument that is getting boring it's repeated so often.
So are you saying you support fraudulent activity because people you don't like are opposed to it? That makes no sense.
No I support fixing the Laws that perpetuate the problem, but the lack of focus and clear though is what is a thorn in the side of the movement, and it will be and is being coopted by other factions.
Lots of people have idea of how bad the laws are you are talking about. Instead of attacking OWS, get out there and teach people. This is only an educational phase, hopefully it will get beyond that. Be a part of it by picking the thing you know and running with it. Be the clear and focused voice on that issue.
I think you forgot the TEA PARTY Libertarians.
No, they are not supporters
YES THEY ARE. I am a Libertarian and I support this movement.
As an idividual but not the political party itself.
I see.
it is a movement that is being co-opted
The way to stop it = ethics.
why wouldn't they be on board. Why wouldn't they want to see our current government system fail. America has monopolized the whole world, it is not just the average american who is affected.
why wouldn't they be on board. Why wouldn't they want to see our current government system fail. America has monopolized the whole world, it is not just the average american who is affected.
No, America has always helped the world, been slapped in the face and stepped back from what it was doing to let the people of the county take back over. Like Japan after WW2, Korea, we are trying to in Iraq, and so on.
If this movement is truly successful, it will represent a major change in the economic and political systems of the US.
One major factor in keeping the population under control are the artificial class and race barriers that have been erected by the ruling class. (Howard Zinn's A Peoples History of the US has the best explanation of this.) By the way, I include union leadership in the 1% ruling class.
OWS tries to be a classless, raceless movement. This frightens the ruling class to no end. Thus, one of their major social control mechanisms has failed.
The forces of hate listed above have felt threatened and they sense the power of this movement. Without an artificial racial and economic divide, these groups would have no reason to exist.
Many poor people make up the bulk of these hate groups, but others, specifically recent immigrants (East Indians, Russians, etc.), belong, too. The poor have been more negatively impacted by the financial crisis than most, so the risk to the ruling class is two fold:
The poor might just wake up and realize they have been played by the 1%, and actually join the movement. This would be a nightmare for the ruling class.
Many of the exploited poor folks who are hate group members or sympathizers are also members of unions and the police/armed forces. Without a reason to protect the 1%, the 1% would suddenly become quite vulnerable physically.
If the ruling class can paint this movement as racist and antisemitic, they can lower the attractiveness of OWS to the bulk of Americans, who believe in fair play above all else.
I suggest occupiers remain peaceful and positive. We are winning.
But it is destroying local small businesses who are now struggling because people will not go through the occupiers to visit the stores and resturants. That is wrong.
So... we shouldn't protest? What is wrong? There are hundreds of thousands of businesses struggling in the US while the .1% continues to play the government like a fiddle and the war-for-profit machine rages on. THAT is wrong.
If we are going to protest, we should use some of the donated funds to buy things at the stressed businesses to compensate them for their losses. By not doing that the movement is no better then the 1%
Agreed, and many at the site in NY are buying coffee and fruit from the local businesses. But there is so much donated food coming in that they haven't really needed to very much.
Remember 911. That was the government of Afganistan at the time, Al Quida. I don't believe in war but I know what those radicals want and I would rather keep piece here and the factions like Arab Spring supported radicals in the Mid East. War for profit, you will need to support that with evidence to make such a broad claim.
You don't believe that war is for profit? Why are we still in Afghanistan? Why did we fund the Libyan rebels when we don't lift a finger in other supressed countries? Why do we have military bases in over 90% of countries in t he world? For our protection? HA.
First off we don't have that many bases, and they were put in places not to protect America but the people in those places or regions they are in. In most cases the countries they are in do not want the US military to leave. Most suppressed countries today are suppressed for other reasons like muslims fighting christians or because of the imposition of Sharia laws. Many times when we do intercede after being urged to, we are critized after. I think its time to let the world police itself. As for Libiya we kept out and let our Nato allies handle it and support them in their effort. HA
You sound like the government.
No just a veteran of the US Navy
You still sound like the government, vet or not.
No, just a veteran. Disabled veteran no less, rated 100% disabled
I agree it is challenging for them. Some have provided support to OWS, tho.
Silly beyond mere words’ ability to express.
But True
No AIPAC yet?
I guess that will come with the OWS candidates?
What type of argument is this?
an Observation and the fact that many who align themselves with these groups do not rely know the consequenses of communist and socialist rule
I don't care if George W Bush comes out in support of OWS, I still think the movement is a good thing as it gets people talking. We aren't a party and aren't trying to enact socialism/communism.
Most in the movement want Socialism and Communism and that is what people at the colleges like Frances Piven push on there students. They have this candy coated idea it is better then what we have now. Go to a former Eastern Block country they will never go back to such a system! We need to fix the laws that perpetuate the problem
I agree that many within OWS want socialism, but they aren't going to get it in the US. I don't buy the old argument that socialism spreads like a disease. I support OWS but am closer to the libertarian side.
The OWS Elites are anarchists.
Who are the "Elites"? Names please?
Look up their names for yourself in the GA minutes and the Working Group Boards posts.
and true anarchy always ends up in rule by force.
I don't see any Christian crap on there, so I'm good!
Christians have been very quite about it so far
Yeah, they were very quiet about the extermination of the Jews, too...
Most interest in the OWS has been centered around a hand out society and all represented in one way or the other are socialist hand out society types
No. I actually took part in the process for the first week. Some on the fringes want their student debt forgiven, but that is not the movement. We want fairness, as in a fair chance. We don't have that in the US. We have a bought congress. We have a bought president. We are AGAINST handouts, since that is what our government does now for the .1% that employ them.
The movement need to focus on Fixing the laws that perpetuate the problem but it too fragmented .
Where is your source citing at? Not that I don't think that some of these are true... but I'd like to see where you get your info from.
Observation while at the park and in DC and news reports
Oh come on, they can't be as evil as Sean (The Butcher) Hannity and the Tea Party. I mean maybe we should look at it as; bringing the world together in peace. Where else would the Black Panthers and Nazi Party find unity.
God Bless (or Damn, if that's your preference) America, land that I love!
Some of these are doubles and in your list, but some more...
Communist Party USA American Nazi Party Ayatollah Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran Barack Obama The government of North Korea Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam Revolutionary Communist Party David Duke Joe Biden Hugo Chavez Revolutionary Guards of Iran Black Panthers (original) Socialist Party USA US Border Guard Industrial Workers of the World CAIR Nancy Pelosi Communist Party of China Hezbollah 9/ International Bolshevik Tendency Anonymous White Revolution International Socialist Organization PressTV (Iranian government outlet) Marxist Student Union Freedom Road Socialist Organization ANSWER Party for Socialism and Liberation
Not aligning itself with Arab Spring? Give me a break, right of the front page..
" We are using the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to achieve our ends and encourage the use of nonviolence to maximize the safety of all participants."
That's a regular rogue's gallery of the scum of the earth.
I can see this movement attracts all the finest people.
Yes it does, not what I thought it was about!
Believe what you want. The messages gaining momentum are those of anti-corruption in government, direct democracy, consensus and dignity. These groups can come out in support of anything they want, but we don't support them. Believe. What. You. Want.
Isn't the Ayatollah bad?
This is what the OWS has attracted and accepted
Why would they want bad people on their side? It doesn't make sense
Most do not know about the supporters and are not educated with the reality. I interviewed many in the Park and they could not answer simple questions liek " who is our Secretary of State" is let alone who the Ayatollah is!
Sadly, I don't doubt that.
(really just pulling your leg in my posts above - trying to make a rather lame point. )
I lost faith in OWS days ago.