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Forum Post: OWS Still does not get it

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 24, 2011, 9:58 a.m. EST by ustaknow (14)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

the protest are no good unless they are done at the Whitehouse and in a manner that changes Washington's ways please reread this through:

Well I hope we all realize that Washington politicians ( Dems and Pubs) are bought and paid for. It is called Cronyism and a result of efforts on behalf of any one organization ( collective group) to Lobby ( request made by the aforementioned group) by promise of favor( political donations,all expense paid trips, outright fee for speaking engagement or other nefarious means). We as a nation are being led by a Few that create propaganda ( political fodder ) for the many to cause factions and division among the masses. The one says about the other ( You are republiCON and bought and paid for by Wallstreet) The Other says ( You are a DemocRAT) giving tax dollars to foreign countries and welfare babies) Both are partially right but the point is the division is enough to divert the real attention away from what really ails us , which is the System structure has evolved to function in a manner that profits the few ( Government workers and Politicians) - for it is when these few are most profitable that the benefactors ( the Lobbyist mentioned above) are most appeased.

The trouble with the system is multifaceted in nature- for on one hand it requires massive spending- on a level that eclipses the revenue that it brings in which results in a cry for more revenue which brings out a group of peasants that are known by some as the TEA PARTY ( Taxed enough Already) .

And yet on the other hand the system rewards the benefactors (Lobbyist) who reward their selves with absurd pay scales which brings out the other side known as the Occupiers ( the group of people who are now being pepper sprayed at UC DAVIS) that recognize that the System is dysfunctional and rewards disproportionately ,the Lobbyist, and when they talk about it are now being put into a political context by the media to prop up the beliefs that the individual writer has come to know or believe due to years of propaganda by the FEW ( FEW = government politicians)

The end result is a chaotic division that has an underlying sense of "Symmetry" that both parties ( The Tea party and The Occupiers) sense but have yet to put into context exactly what their Base Gut instincts are telling them.

  In the balance of the story you have the common man and woman ( regular folk, working class folk, everyday Joe " You and me") that recognize that both factions ( Tea Party and Occupiers) are somehow right but on the other hand wrong- so we have to make the wrong make sense and to do so we revert back to what we have been taught throughout the ages by the FEW with their propaganda.

The System can be fixed but first we need all Americans to stand up and say that hey the TEA PARTY and The Occupiers are partly right and therefore cant be all wrong so we will hear them out on this matter.

In closing: I feel like the pay scale income equality can be fixed- for it is simply a formula that deals with the Gross income minus expenses ( net income) that is left over and how you distribute such ( ALL CAN PROFIT)

I feel like the the trouble with the system ( 4th paragraph above) can be fixed- it will require a revolution at the voting booth that surrounds sound business principals applied to the revenue that we take in. We cant spend more than we take in and Government employees and politicians should not be paid excessively ( like fortune 500 companies) but rather like a scale of the common workers) The public sector should not be the most desired or coveted place to work because it pays more than the private sector- the private sector imo is any business that is not a publicly traded company.

p.s. There is nothing broken that can not be fixed even if the fix requires replacing that which is broken.

With Kindest personal regard I am hoping

( Hoping that Occupiers and The Tea party can be supported by the Common man or woman who know that both are partly right and yet needs a gelling factor so we can take the good and leave the bad and coalesce)

if we do not find the common ground then rest assured no change will take place in Washington



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[-] 2 points by Danaan (96) 13 years ago

Well get your asses up to Washington and officially sack Obama and his gang and arrest the bankers. What the hack are you all waiting for, for santa to give you a ride to Washington?

[-] 1 points by ustaknow (14) 13 years ago

please read the long skinny lines! this website compressed these lines out of format but the message is the same.