Forum Post: OWS Spokes Council Meeting on Nov. 16 Shows Resilience
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 4:44 a.m. EST by VoterMarch
from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Following the violent and destructive ejectment from Zuccotti Park by NYPD riot police, Occupy Wall Street - New York City organizers show resilience as they continue with their organizational planning meetings.
Spokes Council meeting at 56 Walker Street, Tribeca, NY on November 16, 2011.
Report by Working Groups, including Music, Media, Finance, People of Color, Kitchen, Support, Jail Support, Safer Space, Medic, and Mediation.
See live video @
(3) The parallelism is undeniable. The czarist regime gave highest priority to its militarization at the expense of people’s welfare. In America today, people’s welfare is down at the bottom of the priority list while military spending remains high up there. In Russia then, only the industrial elite and the rulers in the palace and its camarilla benefited from war. The same is true in America today, where the industrial elite are the camarilla, if not the palace high officials themselves. In Russia then, the church was in open connivance with the government. Such connivance exists in America today. While riots in the streets were happening, the pompous Russian middle class simply looked on from their balconies and read the reports on the papers the next day. The pampered American middle class today is doing the same.
These are but few among the many remarkable similarities. Truth is, all the signs and all the objective ingredients that led to the Russian Revolution of 1917 are very much present in America today in updated forms. No force on Earth can stop the Occupy Movement.
After Bloody Sunday the monarchial regime placated the suffering Russian people with ‘structural and constitutional reforms’. Likewise here in America today, our government will predictably try to appease the suffering American people with paper ‘reforms’. It won’t hold.
So, if the OWS Liberty Square Eviction is ‘St. Petersburg 1905’, where does it lead?
It is interesting to note that ironically our revolution is happening as we approach the 100th year anniversary of the 1917 Russian Revolution that eventually gave birth to America’s nemesis, the USSR. And, ironic too is the fact that it was the 1776 American Revolutionary War of Independence that directly caused the French Revolution of 1789 which in turn inspired the Russian Revolution. When the Bolsheviks were taking over the Winter Palace, they were playing the Marseilles, their standard marching anthem. By the way, just to add a sidebar, the Bolshevik takeover of the Czarist government that October of 1917 was bloodless, for the monarchs had fled and army had joined the revolution.
The events of Bloody Sunday, exposing the Russian monarchy’s true cruel nature, all the more agitated the people, hardened the workers, and stirred them to openly revolt. With the leadership of a professional revolutionary party, the Russian Marxist Social-Democratic Worker’s Party, the movement advanced in number and in their education. Workers’ councils, or soviets, began to form and grow and got politically active in major industrial centers of Russia. From 1905 onwards pickets, strikes, walkouts, takeovers, and riots occurred almost daily, with leaders being arrested and exiled, escaping and returning to the streets, arrested and exiled again, escaping again.
OWS, in due time, will possess itself of a professional revolutionary party at its head. In due time, it will grow in number and in its education, and its goal will shine clear. In due time, it will involve itself in pickets, strikes, walkouts, riots and takeovers, not only in factories. And in due time, it will topple the system.
In Russia, the revolutionary movement waged war against one of the oldest and most conservative monarchies in Europe. We today in America wage war against a deeply-rooted and powerful corporate monarchy controlling the whole world. In Russia then, the industrial elite (which included a Rothchild, by the way) bribed the government. In America today, the government is in the payroll of the industrial-corporate power elite (which also includes a Rothchild).
It’s St. Petersburg 1905.
Expressing their grievances over the general dismal condition of the nation Russian workers, joined by their families, university students, teachers, and plain sympathizers including elderly, women and children, took to the street one cold Sunday morning in a peaceful demonstration. They were practically leaderless, disorganized, and had no clear demands. Marching towards the Winter Palace with their placards, bands and banners, they met one of the most brutal dispersions in the history of marches. Soldiers machine-gunned them, and hundreds of lives perished that very hour. The event came to be known as Bloody Sunday.
OWS in Liberty Square bears striking similarities. Our peaceful demonstration is said to be leaderless, disorganized, and has no clear demands, and we were brutally dispersed. If it were 1905, the NYPD surely would have used machineguns too instead of teargas and sound cannons.
What the regime of Czar Nicholas II unwittingly did when it massacred the peaceful demonstrators in St Petersburg was lit the bomb under its feet. Twelve years later, in 1917 the bomb finally went off and by its mighty explosion blew the whole Russian monarchy into oblivion.
Blown into oblivion is what the American corporate monarchy’s fate likewise awaits. By evicting OWS in Liberty Square with brute force, in complete disregard of democratic principles of “liberty, justice, and equality”, it has just lit the bomb beneath its very feet. That bomb is bound to go off sooner or later. Not in twelve years abeyance, no. The Russian Revolution happened in a time when the fastest way of sending a message is by telegram. Our American Class Revolution today is viral. The bomb could in fact go off next year...