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Forum Post: #OWS Should have a Single Tweetable Message at all times!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 11:08 p.m. EST by FogDays (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

To the folks running http://occupywallst.org,

There are a lot of people visiting your site who cannot attend your (our) protest in person, and don't know how to help. You can catalyze many of these people into simple vocal action just by adding a "Show your Support" banner with "Tweet!" and "Facebook!" options. Make it so simple for them to share they can't help themselves, and you can really push social discovery of #OWS's latest news. Corporations use this shit for a reason, advanced Social Media techniques can spread a singular message like wildfire!

For Twitter: Using http://clicktotweet.com/ you can construct a single Rallying Cry -- something like: "Emergency #OcupyWallStreet Call To Action: Come to #OWS TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT to defend the occupation from eviction! http://occupywallst.org/"

-- ClickToTweet will give you a shortened link like http://clicktotweet.com/3P903 -- Make that into a button and update it whenever necessary -- Users who click will be taken to a pre-populated tweet with your message, they just have to click "tweet" and if they want to rewrite some of it, even better!
-- Leave 20-40 characters for individuals to add their own comment if possible.

For Facebook: Use the FB Sharing URL to make a link that shares whatever news item you think is currently most valuable to your movement. Place the article's URL after the following to create the link: http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u= <==[YOUR URL GOES HERE]

-- Instructions: http://waseemblog.com/117/how-to-share-url-on-facebook.html -- If you control the page you're linking to, you can also embed facebook's "open graph" tags, which let you control EXACTLY how the post appears in facebook news feeds -- image, title, description, you name it! https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/ -- Update it whenever there is a new most important story for people to see!

Together these tools will let you scoop up all the visitors who aren't doing anything and drive them into action. It may only be sharing, but it's sure as hell better than nothing.



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