Forum Post: #OWS Should Broaden Approach
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 9:41 p.m. EST by Fraqtive42
from Herndon, VA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
An interesting link:
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 9:41 p.m. EST by Fraqtive42
from Herndon, VA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
An interesting link:
The entire Occupy movement should come down to DC and camp in Anacostia Park, site of the original Bonus March Encampment in 1932. Do what the Bonus Marchers did. Set up a clean, formal encampment. I'm sure there are enough sponsors who will pay for potties and showers.
Then, every day, all those at the encampment should get up at 6:30 a.m. and march down Maryland Avenue to the Capitol and spend the day visiting their Senators and Representatives. Every day until they get something done, like a nationwide Section 8 subsidy program so that everyone pays 1/3 of their monthly income for housing.
Let's get organized, Fellow Workers!
Very good idea. #OWS needs much more organization.
well, I think that Wall Street is no longer the priority venue. I think we can move on.
Maybe after the protest has been well established, and that the idea will not go away as soon as the protest does.
I'm not proposing that the protest be ended, I am simply proposing that the focus be shifted to Congress. That is where the real villains reside. Wall Street is just doing what it was set up to do, generate profits for itself and those who support it. It is the politicians who are the true manipulators, because once elected they could if they chose stand up for what's right. If we move all those presently occupying other venues to Anacostia Park and set up a "shadow Congress", with thousands every day marching down to the Capitol to confront their elected representatives with their decisions on the same issues these politicians are debating, we put the pressure where it can do the most good.
True. I think that it would have been a significantly better idea to originally start the protests in DC, so that it would not take as long for direct action.
No, I think that it started in the right place. If we had begun in DC, it never would have been seen as separate and distinct from all the other protest marches.
But now that we have made our point in NYC, it's time to consider where our energies may best be used. Wall Street can adapt immediately. Even if we were to shut down access, they can run their businesses through other venues or telecommuting.
Congress can't do that. Now is the time to move our operation where it can indeed "speak truth to power". Can you imagine how much we can do if every day, 50 people show up at their representative's office with their demands? 50 different voters every day? With comments on the legislation that is before the Congress then and there?
I guess my question is, what point did you make? You seem proud that something was established but I haven't seen it. All I have seen is a big group of unorganized people who do nothing more than the luders did in California after the Rodney King verdict.
I take it by "luders" you mean "looters" and not druggies.
Anyway, I don't understand your point. Do you understand the General Assembly concept? Have you been to any of the encampments and talked to people? Have you even perused this website? And for that matter, even if you had would it have made any difference to you. Can you honestly say that you are open to the ideas we are promoting, and that you would, if sufficient evidence were placed before you, consider joining us? Or are you simply another of those who has too much free time on their hands, and has a need to satisfy some sadistic streak by making comments that you are confident will annoy those to whom they are addressed? It's easy, isn't it, to insult people when you have no accountability.
I am completely open to any ideas, the issue and my point is, I haven't seen or heard any ideas come out of this group. I am a strong independant with no political party affiliation what so ever. I just believe that if you are going to try to influance something, you should have clear goals and again, haven't seen it here. Your post is part of the problem, someone asks a simple question and instead of answering it, you try to demonize the person who asked it. Answer the question with fact to support YOUR cause. I'm trying to understand it.
Read the other threads on this site. Take the time to study what we are doing. I am not answering your question because too much is going on, and if you go through this site you will see it. I don't think I've tried to demonize you. I simply asked a question and challenged you to answer it. I don't see how, if you go through this site and truly try to understand us, you can say that there are no ideas coming out of this group. You want more? Come down to an encampment and meet with us.
Realistically, most of the posts on this site are much like everywhere else one would turn for information this day and age, there is your side, my side and who everelses side with very little substance other than compaining and name calling. At the end of the day, the true problem with the country is it's citizens inability to come together and have fruitful dialog on issues instead of name calling and back stabbing. Just my opinion.
I don't disagree, but I'm not talking about the comments section, I'm talking about the news section. Read what's happening in real time. Better still, go down to an encampment or attend a General Assembly. Have a face to face meeting, and then see if you still feel there is no fruitful dialog going on.
CONGRESS = both houses should be the targets of all actions.
What OWS needs is a strategy which provides a focus and an overall goal.
Use Peter Schweitzer's book THROW THEM ALL OUT as a manifesto for revolution: the Permanent Political Class must go!!!
This provides the movement a focus as well as a goal!!! Book Description Publication Date: November 15, 2011 One of the biggest scandals in American politics is waiting to explode: the full story of the inside game in Washington shows how the permanent political class enriches itself at the expense of the rest of us. Insider trading is illegal on Wall Street, yet it is routine among members of Congress. Normal individuals cannot get in on IPOs at the asking price, but politicians do so routinely. The Obama administration has been able to funnel hundreds of millions of dollars to its supporters, ensuring yet more campaign donations. An entire class of investors now makes all of its profits based on influence and access in Washington. Peter Schweizer has doggedly researched through mountains of financial records, tracking complicated deals and stock trades back to the timing of briefings, votes on bills, and every other point of leverage for politicians in Washington. The result is a manifesto for revolution: the Permanent Political Class must go.