Forum Post: OWS Protesters Claim False Entitlement
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 3, 2012, 5:53 p.m. EST by utahdebater
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
OWS Protesters all believe they have a "right" to a job and a wage. That is not a "right" it is a privilege. OWS, stop whining and get to work.
That's okay. The banksters believe they are too big to fail, so the rest of us should be paying their mega-million dollar bonuses for screwing things up again.
It won't happen that way twice. Get a real job you lazy arseholes.
actually, it was the current administration who believed the banksters were too big to fail. the banksters hit gold with this line of thinking and no expectations/requirements linked to the handouts.
The banksters already owned the administration, just like they are about to own the next one.
Things have been going downhill since the Reagan fiasco. Try and keep up.
Im retierd I don't need a job nor do I need a jackass like you telling me what to do!
When you're stuck between looking for jobs which all have a massive response and uncertainty or inability to start your own business you are where many of these poor people are today. It's not simply a case of stop whining and get to work numbnuts.
I am retierd why would I get a job?
Get to work? When there are 4 applicants for every job? Jobs that existed before the banks and Wall Street, aided and abetted by deregulation, destroyed them? You mean THOSE jobs?
Do us all a favor: go fuck yourself.
Just 4 applicant for every job? And yet you cant get it. Lol...
Do you think I was referring to myself personally, you turd? That's the condition of the country. There are NOT enough jobs to go around. And of those lucky enough to have found employment after having been laid off due to the recession, only 1 in 7 are earning the same salary as before. 6 out of 7 are making less.
So keep trying to make it a character issue, asswipe, when it is purely an economic one.
rich people claim more of that then poor do. so we make you drink your bubble winw all at once! see how you like it.
I think the bubbles would go up their noses
I think we hold there noses too. see if the can drink whole case 5 minutes?
that'd be pretty funny
How does one "get to work" when it is not their right to do so?
Just to point out your obvious self-contradiction.
According to the state of Virginia, you are incorrect!
Article I. Section 1. Equality and rights of men.
That all men are by nature equally free and independent and have certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society, they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.
"the MEANS of ACQUIRING and possessing PROPERTY"
That sounds like good hard work with a livable wage to me.
The Virginia Declaration of Rights (the originating document of the aforementioned section) was authored by George Mason, one of our founding fathers, by the way.
I believe the beef is with those that refuse to go to work or look for a job. I threw my 24 year old step son out for the 3rd and final time because he insisted on being up all night playing games and refused to even look for a job. Sorry not in my house. There are unfortunately far too many like him.
That being said we do of course need reforms and hopefully better opportunities for all.
So we look to Virginia's Constitution as a standard to judge the nation by?
We look to our founding fathers (as I mentioned, George Mason), and also we can look to one of our greatest presidents (FDR's Second Bill of Rights for your viewing ---> We can even look to the Universal Declaration of Human rights
See articles 23 and 24 particularly.
These are basic human rights that we all should aspire to.
@commonsense11: I do agree with your reasoning. A person living off of another person is not acceptable. All must do their share in whatever way they can. I also, however rely on my parents and have relied on them greatly in the past. I work. I sometimes worked 40-50 hours a week (while completing my associate's) in addition to classes before I started living here at UCONN. I made chicken scratch compared to the cost of living here. I could have managed to live on my own, but I still would have needed their financial help from time to time and possibly had to reduce my credit load. The costs of vehicle maintenance alone would have crippled my ability to further my education.
I deeply appreciate the help my parents provided me, and the primary reason I voice my opinion so frequently in favor of some serious changes in this country, is because I feel deep empathy for those that do not have their parents, or a spouse/partner, or another close relation to help them get through their education.
I also don't believe that an education should be a pre-requisite to a reasonable standard of living. I personally see it as such here where I live, currently. One's financial freedom is GREATLY diminished without some form of education. This is of course dependent upon the unique location in which you live.
OWS Protesters, and all Americans, have the right to a government that is not bought and paid for by the wealthy and corporations who then go on to control the economic system to ensure that it benefits them above everyone else.
Back-at-chu: Americans claim false entitlement to the land of the America's. Americans seem to believe they have a "right" to property and all the benefits that have been derived therefrom.
From whence do you honorably claim such and deprive the rest of us?
Oh there's TONS of property in New Mexico open and ready for populating with OWS! Get right on that-honorably claim it by making payments on it! Benefit ALL you like and deprive the rest of us completely. PLEASE?
The constitution?
Great, right answer. BUT: the founding fathers never antipated what would or should happen when the land ran out. They just saw the West as this endless expanse that was unfathomable. The end of the West radically changes the "right to property" that was built-in to the framework of "america".
In addition, the founding fathers had an inadequate grasp of what would happen with the relationships with the natives. That America would become greedy and feel entitled to all the land through the Christian illusion of "manifest destiny". Drastic moral failure in a land that spouts "liberty and justice for all".
The land has run out? First I've heard of it. And the Indians ( there is no such thing as a native American) were simply conquered like millions of people of all races throughout history. Time to get over it.
Problem is, there is plenty of "space" and "land" out there that OWS could occupy-but it doesn't come with media exposure and it's pretty much undeveloped. dreamingforward should be able to see PLENTY of open land from Santa Fe. And I'm sure people go about acquiring that land by "conventional routes" every day.
Considering how they handled their "community" when it was on developed land, I can only imagine how well it would turn out. BUT I'm all FOR one of their Liberal friends donating a chunk of land out in the middle of nowhere and letting them have at it.
Here's one dreamingforward-141 acres, tons of room, and even has wells and power lines on it. And it's in OWS price range- $175,000
Here's another link-payments as low as $50.00 a month! Buy now OWS!!!
Interesting. I agree.
First you've heard of it? Huh, I guess you're a little clueless. I'll enlighten you: the OCCUPY movement (note the name "occupy"), is in essence a "inflammation" on the body-politik saying, in essense, we have creativity and passions to contribute, but we don't have anywhere to apply it. Give us space to do it ourselves, because it the system is too diseased to go about conventional routes, or we'll make bigger problems.
Your understanding of the Indians/Natives is extremely naive. It is not at all like the feuds in Europe where there is a natural familial check-and-balance of brothers fighting brothers.
I respectfully suggest that you are the naive one. People on all continents in all eras of history have been conquered. You need to study some history. And there is more to that history than Europe.
No, I would respectfully suggest that you explore this further. Just because they have arms and legs, does not mean you should (or can) compare them to the 2000 to 5000 year history of man, but please see my reply to betsyross below.
So you're saying that Native Americans and European Americans are not "brothers" fighting in the natural familial sense? Shame on you.
That's exactly right. They are not, they have different origin stories, different cosmologies, and different calendrical system recording their lineages. They are so different that very few knew how to relate to them. There are hardly any anthropologists, for example, that you can read that will help you understand them. To nearly every American, they are simply an enigma that they don't know what to do with.
But more to-the-point, Jefferson's declaration that "we are all created equal" has to be seen as a poetic platitude. We were not created like the Natives.
So separation is the answer. I agree with you.
Um....they are biologically the same except for a couple of chromosomes that vary height, skin color, eye color, etc. No matter what their "cosmologies/calendrical" systems might be-MOST anthropologists agree on their origins and that if you go back far enough in history, they originated from the same place.
YOU might find it all enigmatic, but you don't get to speak for "nearly every American". Most Americans find OWS an enigma they don't know what to do with. But again-TONS of land in New Mexico. Get out there and get a deal done and post an address for all the other OWS to join you in your creative passioning. Hell, I'll even take up a collection to get you started!
Truth be told, I have to cut some slack for those of the English lineages that formed America, which you probably are out there in the original colonies Pennsylvania. I'm mostly speaking out against the capitalists who have mostly co-opted the American ideals of democracy as Jefferson had warned.
I actually would appreciate if you took up a collection for some land here in north-central NM. I'd be glad to give you credit, if we can pull off creating a new economy.
The American ideals were REPUBLIC in nature.
OWS already HAS $300,000 in donations just looking for a place to go. Not sure why anyone else would have to donate when OWS already has it. Or Michael Moore or Noam Chomsky? Surely they could do it.
But surely OWS-with their HUGE and growing numbers could all donate at least 1$ to the cause.
$5 = 35,000 people $10=17,500 people $20=8,750 people $40=4,375
Not a whole lot to pay for all that LAND huh? You pass the hat and I'll pledge $40 to the cause.
Koch Industries, Keystone XL and Killer Kleptocracy:
You can help, you know.
Next November, when you go to the polls, merely vote out all (R)epelican'ts, to the best of your ability..........Really, this is the best thing you could do for America.
Are retirees really allowed to vote?
(Sorry Shooz, still having some fun from the other thread. Forgive me.)
Actually, come to think of it the (R)epelicans are in fact trying to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of voters with the push for voter ID laws. So my little joke isn't so funny. All the more reason to kick the bastards out.
The (R)epelican'ts are still letting us vote, this cycle, but they did raise our taxes.
Isn't that nice of them?
Actually, come to think of it, the (R)epelicans are in fact trying to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of voters with the push for voter ID laws. So my little joke isn't so funny. All the more reason to kick the bastards out.
There was even some bastard on another thread that said people on welfare shouldn't be allowed to vote either.
Between disenfranchisement, and Diebold, it's the only way they can get elected.
Unfortunately, there is one other way: the bottomless ignorance of the American public, and its willingness to be manipulated by falsehoods, dog-whistle racism, and demagoguery.
Can you say?
Did you see another Murdock publication in England is being investigated?
I got a job in the middle of the recession. Cry me a river. So because there's competition you give up? Not my fault you pussied out. Grow a pair and get with society ffs. Nobody cares about OWS anymore. Especially since the unemployment rate is down and stocks are going back up to near-prerecession levels.
The unemployment rate is down because it does not track how many people are out of work and still looking, but have run out of unemployment benefits so have fallen off the rolls. The job creation that is being touted is only a spit in the ocean as to how many jobs were lost during the meltdown.
This is another MSM misinformation PR campaign.