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Forum Post: OWS protesters are hypocrites...

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 1:17 p.m. EST by AntiCorp (187)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

OWS protesters who wear "logo" attire and use "logo" products are guilty of making corporations richer! You are guilty of aiding in corporate greed! You are taking part in corporate greed. You are a hypocrite! By wearing Nike, Adidas, J.Crew, North Face and using Apple products you are supporting the very thing you are protesting against. You are a hypocrite! By wearing "logo" attire and using "logo" products you are giving free advertisement for the very corporations you are protesting....you are all hypocrites!



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[-] 2 points by AMCD (46) from Antioch, CA 13 years ago

OMG. I don't believe the OWS is against corporations or capitalism. They aren't against companies making an honest buck.

They are against corporate control of our government. They are against unregulated capitalism.

So you'd only be happy if all the OWS protesters were Amish?

If you can't see that corporations have taken over our political system, well, I don't know what else to say to you.

[-] 1 points by abbe (18) 13 years ago

Occupy Together

[-] 1 points by scott4uhere (1) 13 years ago

When I first came to this page before I signed up I was at another page that I can't seen to locate. In my search I came across his page. With all the name calling here I thought I would leave what I wrote for the other page here too. It might help narrow the names down to just 1. So I am going to comment on what disturbed me here the most. Maybe I will be able to clarify the definition and express my own view on it as well. Oh, one more thing before I start, try not to beat me up to much on my spelling. Its not what my issue is about. I am sure you all will get the point of my issue. I like to start with the definition of "Patriotism" as taught by schools in California and Alaska(where I have attended school) and the Webster Dictionary along with several others. They all seem to agree that the definition is "The love of your country". Lets look at this and try to understand the meaning. Love is a feeling, like the feelings I have for my wife. I would take a bullet to prevent any harm coming to her yet if she went shopping and over spent the budget so we couldn't pay the electric bill, I would definitely express my concern and most likely not be to kind about it. This doesn't mean I don't love her in fact its quite the contrary, it is my RESPONSIBILITY to prevent any further excessive spending because I do Love her . Should I not express my view and allow the spending to continue we could have some real cold and dark nights that would be quite detrimental to our health and even life. This is how I understand the feeling of Love. I am a Patriot, I love her (my country) very much. I spent 6 years in her service including Vietnam. This is why it is our RESPONSIBILITY, as PATRIOTS to express our concern and prevent the wrong that is being done. If we stand by and let the controlling "machine",as President Eisenhower warned us of in his speech when leaving his term as President,our country is being put in harms way. Our rights are being taken through fear and coercion and soon the country "By the people for the people" will cease to exist along with our Constitution and Bill of Rights So my issue here is that those that support OccupyWallSt for the Love of the country By the People for the People are Patriots. I hope this helps put the right name where it be longs and some understanding what a Patriot is. "Scott4uhere"

[-] 1 points by Kman (171) 13 years ago

This is the nature of the beast. We are that which we fight against. It's a strange irony. It's time to stand up and say we were all wrong all along for believing in these companies and supporting them for all of these decades. We are just as much a part of the problem. And WE must be the ones to correct it.

[-] 1 points by wweddingMadeintheUSA (135) 13 years ago

We need to boycott imported goods Buy Made in the USA!!!!!!!!! I am a part of this movement and I have said this is what we need to do!!!!

[-] 1 points by FuManchu (619) 13 years ago

Is OWS anti corporations or against corporate corruption in the government? Saying there should be no corporate influence in DC is different from saying all big corporations are bad just for being corporations.

[-] 1 points by Wildcat682 (178) 13 years ago

Well, the rallying cry has been "corporate greed", so at the very least you could say the protesters have been dishonest and are using political tactics to get others on their side.

[-] 0 points by AntiCorp (187) 13 years ago

So who decides which corporations are "ok" and which ones are not? Who decides who OWS protesters should and should not support with their money?

[-] 0 points by AntiCorp (187) 13 years ago

I thought it was all about being fair and not greed? Why would a OWS protester pay $150.00 for a North face jacket when there is a child cold in the city some place? Why wouldn't the OWS protester buy a $25.00 coat instead? Maybe the OWS protester wanted to look cool on TV as he whines about corporate greed, fairness and excess wearing jacket that :"a poor American" can't afford. Hypocrites!

[-] 0 points by AntiCorp (187) 13 years ago

I thought it was all about being fair and not greed? Why would a OWS protester pay $150.00 for a North face jacket when there is a child cold in the city some place? Why wouldn't the OWS protester buy a $25.00 coat instead? Maybe the OWS protester wanted to look cool on TV as he whines about corporate greed, fairness and excess wearing jacket that :"a poor American" can't afford. Hypocrites!

[-] 1 points by FuManchu (619) 13 years ago

That is a good question. There is no easy answer. Every time I go out and spend money on food or drinks (drinks that I definitely DON'T need), I think about that. After thinking about it, I always get back to the same question - what is the reason for human suffering? Humans have tried to answer this for centuries. There are religions that claim they have the answer. No one knows. What we can do is do our best to assist those in need of assistance. The person spending $250 on a jacket has every right to do so. Notwithstanding the fact that the $250 could have been used to feed a group of starving people somewhere else in the world.