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Forum Post: OWS poem- Sound of a revolution

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 7:08 p.m. EST by RedSkiesAwaitUs (57) from Quebec, QC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I wrote this poem the day of the UC davis incident. My best friend from highschool had skyped me to tell me that she had been struck by a baton and arrested while she was occupying Halifax, and she then showed me the youtube link to the UC davis incident. Needless to say, this combination of bad news had my blood boiling. I wrote this poem in 20 minutes out of raw emotion, so whats written doesn’t necessarily reflect my current views of the OWS situation. Nevertheless, I felt I should share it. Give me your thoughts and opinions, I'd like to know you think of my writing (personally, I think it's mediocre but a friend said it was pretty good)

Blocks falling, block falling<> Falling on my head,<> They use the blue to paint us red<> We try to move,<> but bigger block hits,<> They lift the bodies with oven mits<>

oh chef why, of chef why<> the peoples voice, the peoples cry<>

We tried raising our voices,<> We tried raising our signs<> our efforts wasted<> Cause you poison minds<>

The public now blind<> The public now deaf<> Our efforts seem nothing,<> but a wasted breath<>

But don't worry, don't worry<> Victory, is near<> I know a way<> To make them hear<>

Our voices-our signs <> They can ignore<> But one thing they can't<> Is the sound of war<>

So march my brothers,<> Weapons in hand<> Let the machine guns<> be our band<>

The sound of policemen<> dying in fear<> will let them know<> the revolution is here.<>

I guess I could have edited it to make the thing a little ''smoother'' but to be honest, I'm kinda lazy :p

I still think however non-violence is moot when dealing with greed and corruption, but I'm not here to preach my ideologies.... Cheers!



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[-] 2 points by kurisC (9) 13 years ago

I dont think that the United States government really cares about our consitutonal rights, as long as they line thier pockets and maintain power they dont care. If they feel their power threatened they will limit our rights, good examples of this are: The bonus Marchers during the great depression, the WWI veterans were promised a pention for their services in the war in the 1940's, well the depression hit and 15,000 veterans went to the capital where they camped around the capital building, and petitioned to abtain their pentions early so they could survive and feed their families. The police were sent in to clear them out, but the police paniced and fired into the crowed and killed 2 vets, Then the Goventment sent in the military to force the protesters from Washington D.C; Another example is the espionage act created during WWI which stated that anyone who says anything negitive about the Govenment will be placed in prision.I dont think that the movment should stop, i mearly suggest that it make itself more clear about what they want, and make it clear that They are not going to move til The changes they want are put into place.

[-] 1 points by kurisC (9) 13 years ago

"I hold it, that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.... ...Whenever the people are well informed, they can be trusted with their own government; that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights. " - Thomas Jefferson "Man is not the enemy of man but through the medium of a false system of government. . . ....When the rich plunder the poor of his rights, it becomes an example of the poor to plunder the rich of his property, for the rights of the one are as much property to him as wealth is property to the other and the little all is as dear as the much. It is only by setting out on just principles that men are trained to be just to each other; and it will always be found, that when the rich protect the rights of the poor, the poor will protect the property of the rich." - Thomas Paine "Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor Liberty to purchase power." - Benjamin Franklin "We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both!" - Supreme Court Justice (1916 – 1939) Louis Brandeis.

[-] 1 points by RedSkiesAwaitUs (57) from Quebec, QC 13 years ago

Reminds me of this great quote a youtuber had on the sam seder show.. He said, ''in America, the worst crime you can commit is taking wealth away from the wealthy.''

[-] 1 points by RedSkiesAwaitUs (57) from Quebec, QC 13 years ago

Formatting is screwed up... Hopefully it doesn’t render the whole thing illegible. If so, ill re0write it with line breaks or something.

[-] 0 points by newearthorder (295) 13 years ago

You have to go two lines before you get a line break.

Like this.

Also you can make a list like this.

  1. one

  2. two

  3. three

If you don't return two lines they will run together.

[-] 1 points by RedSkiesAwaitUs (57) from Quebec, QC 13 years ago

Thanks for the advice. The webmaster has a little more work ahead of him :p Anyhow I indicated the breaks with a <>. Soo, does anyone have any opinions, thoughts.

[-] 0 points by newearthorder (295) 13 years ago

You know what Wall St was before September 17th?


[-] 1 points by RedSkiesAwaitUs (57) from Quebec, QC 13 years ago
