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Forum Post: OWS poem

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 9:21 a.m. EST by Schubiedoobie (0)
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If they didn't have a cause before, they sure as fuck have one now! Baton struck skulls, and teargassed spirits soar. The whole world wide web is watching, and how.

How does it feel NYPD, you enemy combatants! Watch the people heat the streets into a social patent. Was it worth it? Oh, you were just taking orders? As your tea party cools it leaves economic boarders.

Occupy all our hearts and minds! Human mic we hear you, stack up the signs. Occupy all my free time and police lines. Assemble in peace, in the face of zip tied binds.

Spit in the face of our beloved democracy, you pigs, mayors, and ill willed tyrants. OWS paid for the parks, your salaries, this aristocracy. For the rubber bullets, your interns, the water in the hydrants.

How can you put out a fire by poking at it so? Can you feel it? Is change now the status quo? Facebooking madness, harnessed into political action. Thats in and out of low class and high on the facts end.

You've occupied our souls, Now go occupy the polls!!! Go get your civil and poverty rights improvements, Before you get nothing from this beautiful movement.



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