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Forum Post: OWS - Occupy Yourself too

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 7:24 p.m. EST by Pineaple (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The OWS movement is missing a critical element: inward focus. In addition to occupying wallstreet, protesters should "Occupy Yourself" to discern what we really need, care about, and what is excess. When the economy was better our countries problem was not a lack in financial wealth, but a deficit in a conscious lifestyle. This is not meant to imply that there are not legitimate concerns with 1) the way corporate America does business or 2) finding a job in these tough economic times. This message is meant to keep in mind that if/when this movement brings change and the wealth becomes more evenly distributed we MUST change our lifestyle as a country. Otherwise we will find ourselves occupying wallstreet again, and again, and again.



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[-] 1 points by colofreebird (14) 13 years ago

Not only that but understand your opponent in very specific terms. You don't want to use a a broad brush lest you alienate people in the 1% who could be very useful to the cause. Show intelligence, discipline and rational thought when identifying your perpetrators and their motivations, lest you end up no better than a bunch of nazis painting signs on people's windows. Do not repeat the sins of the past through uninformed thought.