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Forum Post: OWS Oakland Flash Grenade Attack Officer Should be tried for Attempt to Murder.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 9:13 p.m. EST by davtrr17 (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The duty of a Police officer is to protect the lives of the people. When ordinary people commit a crime, ordinary punishment is given, when a police officer commits a crime, he does something which is completely contrary to the nature of his duties and this calls for the harshest possible punishment and the maximum prison sentence. The officer should not only be tried for assault, but also attempt to murder.

Flash Grenades are given to Police officers to subdue crowds which are out of control and indulging in violence and stone throwing. Those were a small group of people who were trying to help someone who was injured. At no point of time can it be imagined that the officers were in danger of being hurt by the crowd that had gathered to help the person who was injured. The officer’s intention while throwing the Flash grenade was not only to hurt/maim those who were helping the injured person, but also to prevent the person who was injured from getting help and saving his life. Hence the Police officer should also be tried for attempt to murder. The other Officers who were watching him should also be tried for abetment and sent to prison. Since this has all been done at the instigation of the Mayor and the Police chief, both the Mayor and the Police Chief should be tried for attempt to murder and sent to prison. This is what they would do in any other civilized country.



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[-] 1 points by tumbleweed (36) from Bayonne, NJ 13 years ago

They just killed a United States Marine. That is gonna have repercussions.