Forum Post: OWS not affecting consumer spending
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 25, 2011, 7:18 p.m. EST by ramous
from Wabash, IN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Showing online sales are up by 20% over last year.
Showing store sales likely to be be biggest black friday ever
2011 black friday likely to be a record!
Thanks great news, looks like OWS is doing a good job! Can't wait to see what Corporate profits are for the holidays. Then we can measure success.
Most folks around here are taking advantage of every sale they can, and buying all their christmas presents early. Walmarts new Credit Card (0% APR for 6 months) should kick up some sales this year, and some awesome interest income 6 months from now. I find myself online shopping more lately due to the limited inventory at most stores, the fact that a lot of times shipping is cheaper than buying gas, and I like to buy American made products when posible.
I just don't get the point. Isn't the problem the banks. Why are we boycotting all business in america?
Why are we blockading roads and ports to keep regular people from going to work? More questions than answers.
No one should have expected much of a dent this year, it was too soon. Next years' Black Friday, only time will tell.
That will be after elections. Have you noticed that business confidence is down because of the current WH administration? Im going to bet, though I don't have anything factual, that if the WH administration changes that businesses will begin hiring again, leading to increased free funds of workers who will increase spending at businesses, who will be able to afford to hire more workers.
I hope you're right, the lack of consumer spending has been instrumental in bringing the economy to a grinding halt. I can't help but feel that's the one part of the equation the 'big boys' failed to take into account while they were outsourcing jobs and robbing the country blind, that if we have no money to spend, everything slows down.
consumer spending is 3/4 of the economy. great news. economy is improving. i always had confidence in this great country.
This IS a great country!!! I dare all these OWS to go live in other countries. They'll be calling mom and dad to send money ASAP to come home. Hopefully the borders will be closed when that happens.
I live in NY and was woken up many nights when they were sleeping in the park like animals. We were thrilled when the Mayor found a way to get rid of them, at least at night (for the most part). Now our new-born can sleep through the night. OWS is like a car crash; you just have to stop and stare.
So glad your baby can get the sleep she/he needs.These OWS are attention ho's. They haven't cared about anyone else but themselves. I call that FAILURE. They've made enemies and aren't considered "heroes" except in their own minds
Thank you. I could not agree with you more.