Forum Post: OWS Needs to Do One (Or Both) of Two Things
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 1, 2011, 7:58 p.m. EST by CPTBRUMBL3Z
from Lansdale, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I've mostly been lurking on the side lines, poking my head in to see how things are going every so often. I keep meaning to check out Occupy Philly, but life's made it a challenge to find the time to make the trip. However, it's been on my mind that one (or both) of two things need to happen because I'm convinced at this point that OWS could last a year and we wouldn't see a single drop of change for the better unless something that forced us into every media's limelight happens. After all, it should be painfully clear that almost no one cared until people started getting pepper sprayed, and even after 2 and a half months the movement's coverage isn't terribly positive or common.
The enemies of the People are far too entrenched in the system. Therefor, there are two things that I think would be the best logical next step. One's rather dramatic. The other's more realistic.
The Dramatic Idea: Occupy the White House. Literally. Gather up at least a couple thousand protestors and storm the place. Force your way in and overwhelm any and all security and literally occupy it for as long as possible. Think the ending scene of "V for Vendetta" as everyone climbs past the police barricade. What could be done with this is obviously up for discussion, but if this movement is to get any real respect and worthwhile coverage by more people of the national media than Keith Olbermann, it needs something dramatic like this.
The Rational Idea: Fight fire with fire. Develop a leadership. Create a national party. Prepare for, if not 2012, than state, local, and special elections opening up in 2013 and for every year beyond. Start accepting money. Do what the Tea Party did but this time do it with real grass and get into the government. The despots who control so much of our government do so because of their money and its influence. If OWS could develop a legitimate platform and national political party, we can get into government and be the voice for the voiceless, we can fight the greed and anti-Americanism of those in power on their terms, and we can force ourselves into the limelight by being political leaders. Only by changing the system ourselves will we ever see what we seek. Our pens writing legislation will speak far louder than any drum because they can't just wear earplugs to ignore black ink. We can't sit around waiting for the Democrats to grow a spine or for Ron Lawl to appeal to more than his own version of right-wing fringe. Unless WE write the legislation, unless WE are the ones on the voting ballots, unless WE are the ones hired to work on Capitol Hill, I am absolutely convinced that NOTHING will change, even if we occupied for a decade and created a worldwide pepper spray shortage. This isn't like the Civil Rights movement, or Women's Suffrage, or Gay Rights, or anything else that we've seen since the revolution that created us. Every single one of those turning points in America wasn't fighting against the lifeblood of politics, and that is the Almighty Dollar. If we ever hope to turn the green blood of politics into the red, white, and blue of the People it needs to be, we have to play by their rules and on their turf and beat them at their own game. If we can then amend the rulebook, well... I think the rest should be obvious.
Nice post, I prefer the second option and have expressed my preferance through signing up with the 99% Declaration.
There are a lot of improvements that need to be made. The list reforms people Americans want to see is long and varied depending on who you talk to. That said, I believe there is one reform that would provide the American people the best chances of seeing other meaningful reforms actually happen - that is REAL, loop-hope free CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM! I have seen others on this site calling this the "fulcrum" or pivotal issue. Right now the current legalized bribery, pay-to-play system of campaign donations and paid lobbyists has disenfranchised the American voter. Until this is fixed, any other reform the politicians may try to placate us with (be it a change to healthcare, clamping down predatory school loans, new financial regulations, etc.) will be about as effective as a farmer putting a new roof on his CHICKEN COOP, but still letting the FOX guard it.
We need to go back to the original political currency. Instead of the current system of who can collect the most money from corporations and special interests it should be who has the BEST IDEAS to EFFECTIVELY RUN THE COUNTRY (we don't need "Wealth Redistribution," what we need is "Political Influence Redistribution")!
For the sake our our children and future generations of Americans, we need to take back our democracy from the rich and powerful who are using their vast sums of money to "speak" as if they represent millions of Americans. This "Corporate Personhood" that has crept into our laws is allowing them to manipulating our policies in their favor at the expense of the average American (the recent "Citizens United" Supreme Court ruling is a miscarriage of justice and must be reversed. The $50 or $100 a normal American may give to a political campaign becomes meaningless when corporations or other special interests are handing our millions to buy political access to the decision making process.
For decades now the corporations and special interests have had our "representatives" bought and paid for (both on the right and the left). Concentrating our efforts on getting the money out of our politics is the best way we can create an environment in which further reforms can be realized. Until we end the current system of legalized bribery (campaign donations) and paid lobbying our politicians will continue to be the LAP DOGS of the corporations and special interests. What we need first and foremost is real, loop-hole free CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM!!!! If the corruption is not dealt with first, the chance of any other meaningful reforms becoming a reality is almost zero - the special interests will just use their money to buy votes and put forward bills that create loop-holes or otherwise twist the law in their favor. If we want our children to live in a country where there vote matters, we need to get the money out of our politics, otherwise they will increasingly become the 21st century version of the "landless peasant." Spread the word - End the LEGALIZED BRIBERY!!! CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM needs to be THE main goal of the protests!!!
How, precisely do you plan to impliment your ideas? Without a serious implimentation strategy any plan is just dilatory.
How do you propose OWS do what you suggest? I have seen all kinds of suggestions on this forum, good, bad and indifferent, but none of them has provided a single practical suggestion on how to actually get OWS to adopt their ideas no matter how good or bad they might be.
I suppose step one would be for each and every active Occupy to come up with a consensus of a few things first:
Decide on the basic mission statement. Personally, I can't think of anything more perfect than "Of the People, for the People, by the People" seeing as how "People" have been replaced with "Money" these days.
Create a short, succinct bullet point list of immediate goals that would be run on by candidates, say three minimum and five points maximum, along with a list of long term goals and some supported legislature that they'd vote for now or vote to bring back.
Develop an overall stance on some of today's most talked about and important issues, namely same-sex marriage; states rights; corporate rights; gun rights; immigration; abortion; the Middle-East; anything particular to the Occupy movement itself as it stands right now should have been covered by Step #2. Other important issues can be developed over time as we're established and, out of respect for the movement's very basis, explicitly express the individual perspectives held by members that are generated from a defined goal or stance that the party in general supports.
Decide on who and what we would accept donations from, how we'd accept donations, and how we'd keep them transparent. I'm sure ALL of us would agree that we could never accept anonymous donations or donations from PACs and similar that do not disclose every benefactor.
From here, mold together the consensus. Have the leadership established in each camp work with the other camps to form a party constitution from the consensus gathered, bring up any problems or issued that cropped up, mention anything that may have been missed, and basically create the party. I think if we started working on this this month, we can have the party started by February of next year since we'd likely have a couple follow up consensus meetings. We need to establish a basis like I outlined, however, and develop everything else as a party over time.
Next, using existing infrastructure, build the party's website, officially register the party itself, and establish chapters out of or near at least every major city that has held a protest and still holds one now. It is possible that it will take a bit of time for the party to fully coalesce as a single whole out of its many splinters, so I think it's important that each chapter work first and foremost to establish themselves locally and in their state to find doners, benefactors, volunteers, and bases of operation. Afterall, there are a lot of Tea Party groups out there that generally support the same things to certain extents, but they all can say with honesty a few key points that make the TP what it is.
We should build our infrastructure during 2012 in anticipation of 2013 with the first goal of breaking into local and state government positions. Until we can be sure we have the recognition necessary, the backing necessary, and the wisdom necessary from inevitable mistakes, we can begin to work more nationally, starting with the more successful chapters running for Congress by 2014 or 2016.
With chapters established and running serious candidates, we likely will have by now begun to develop a nationalized party, with distinct goals, ideals, beliefs, and philosophies regarding all aspects of government and American life. We can return to what stuff we missed or skipped over during the initial consensus as well as better establish what's in place.
With any luck, we may be in position by 2018 to launch a presidential campaign, but our primary goal should first be to get the states back from the Republicans and the Koch Brothers, et al. Once we have control of a few state governments and begin making a national impact, we can turn towards some Congressional candidacies. It's possible 2018 is too soon for a presidential run, because we aren't going to have billions of dirty dollars filling our coffers, and we aren't going to suddenly have an international news conglomerate in a similar practice of explicit support that Fox provided the Tea Party. 2022, I think, is a realistic goal for a presidential campaign. That gives us 10 years. I bet we can do it, become a viable third party and see a White House controlled by someone who is neither Democrat nor Republican on January 1st, 2023.
You come up with more and more ideas, but I don't see one single thought as to how you expect these ideas to be implimented by OWS. Do you have even the shred of an idea regarding what the decision making process is in OWS and how to get ideas implimented? Without that the best ideas in the world are just dilatory.
Like I said, I've lurked, I don't kbnow how most camps work, but we've got the structure in place. All we need now is to do something with it.
The Tea Party got co-opted and dissolved into Republican mainstream. The founders became targeted by the co-opted Koch industries funded astroturf pro-war propaganda machine (sorry for the mouthful but, man I hate those guys). I think OWS has to remain a movement. If not, create, or at least back a third party. Neither dems or reps have an incentive to pay attention to the real demands of OWS, only that it might shift the general public slightly toward the democratic party. Both parties assume OWS will vote Obama. I think most people will agree there are only two choices, one is Obama, the other name is banned on this blog. Apparently we are to do what the mainstream expects. Then it's back to big business as usual. If so, It was fun ... but we accomplished nothing.
Remain a movement. Have nothing to do with supporting any political party or candidate. Be creative:
--Knave Dave
There is no third party OWS could back. Really, the best bet at this point, the only logical move, is to be our own party. The Tea Party got absorbed into the Republican Party and have basically usurped any moderates and hopes for bipartisanship from happening. It could be a wise choice going for the Democrats, but we'd have to deal too much with a party that's part of the problem. Seriously, given the amount of people who have been out there, are out there now, and will be, sitting on the streets, making their voices heard, we more than have the resources available.
I just really hope more people think this way. This protesting won't do a thing because no one in power wants to actually do what should be done because they benefit from thigns as they are too much.
Everybody's busy. The whole premise of OWS is that everybody take responsibility for their own ideas. If you can get enough people interested in your ideas you are off and running. If not, they go where they deserve: nowhere. If you don't have the time or energy to take the initiative and develop your ideas then it is still your responsibility to find someone who has the time and energy. If you personally just don't have the skills to develop YOUR ideas then it is YOUR responsibility to develop those skills.
I pick B, the rational plan, and have the formula level details for how that works really.
alli need is for 10 thousand people to come to the wiki and do the work; and BAM! both political parties become obsolete and we have a paradigm shhift centered revolution.
I think forming a whole new party is labor intensive.
I also think that if we look at the tea party what we will see is a pattern for success. The tea party took over the repelican party, and they did it with a minority of members and no control of the Senate.
By standing together as a group, and standing on the promises they made the public.
Promises like the Renquist Tax Pledge.
That's why the one percent still receive the bushite tax break. Even some of the one percent say that's a bad idea - Warren Buffett isn't the only one.
I think the fastest way is to take over the dem party. It's already there, No need to create the networks in each and every voting district - they have them. All we have to do is get out, agitate, and expose the graft that exists within the system, and using them, we're in.
I think not forming a new third party is a sure way to fail. I think your rock stupid if you imagine either party is anything other than a corporate oligarchy fascism party. I think the tea party had one thousandth the energy of the occupy movement and was on the WRONG side of the evolutionary forces of nature.
Standing together as a group; and tackling the problems to solve them as adults.. instead of giving that power again to the oligarchs, is how to do this.
You THINK the fastests blah blah blah. What are your qualifications on this "thought" take over a fascist and corrupt party, which has a co-opt game plan that involves making a play for us to imagine we are doing that?
Excuse me. Its not already there, you know what is already there? 50 new nuclear power stations. Another war. Another war cooking besides the other war. You seem to imagine that you CAN "use" them. Thats because your programmed to do that and have no clue how deep you are being USED.
the nature of the democratic party is ITS A DEMON. You can't use EVIL THINGS for GOOD PURPOSES. Until people stop IMAGINING that we can make the EVILPARTY(lesser) into a goodparty, they will continue to make the same fatal errors which brings us back to this time and time again.
Game theory, systems theory, formal logic, political science, sociology, all the facts line up for simple ducks here.
Either we have a new third party, or we get more oligarchy, more shafted, and probably, civilization ends.
We can't afford more BS we are right on the line of cascading systemic failure right now.
But if you THINK you can ignore me and just make this all go away, con scam your bunch of the population, and IF we are all still here in 4 years, THEN it will STILL BE the SAME problems facing us, but this time "co opt the dem co- opt" will look triply transparently like the WRONG idea.
On top of everything else, you clearly didn't bother to click the links, and IF you had, you would have taken a lot more time and thought into your post.
WHY do you IMAGINE you are so smart so as to tell us all what to do and think when you can;t even be BOTHERED to check in with the people that ACTUALLY do have their Heads clear? STOP MAKE BELIEVING and STOP PRETENDING with your OPINION and START PAYING ATTENTION to OTHERS.
I'm just an armchair observer of shit. I've written a little poetry, I've worked manufacturing, excavating, plowing snow, sold firewood, and I worked at a homeless shelter. I've protested a bit. Dropped out of college after three semesters. I don't have access to any resources or information that you don't have access to.
Oh yeah - full disclosure - I did make 50 phone calls in 2008 for President Obama during the campaign. 50. Phone calls.
I'm not a member of the dem party.
I watched the budget debate. I watched it closely. And I saw people from all walks of life demand compromise - the repelicans refused. They all pointed at the tea party - and the tea party was proud. Cantor - he's a tea party candidate, isn't he? Proud I say.
New Job numbers fell in the six weeks running up to the debate. Did the repelicans care? NO. They insisted that ending the tax breaks for the one percent was a new tax. Even one of their own members - Ive forgotten who - said that was bullshit - but the party as a whole would not budge.
I think using the tea party method is a tactic that could work very well.
I think using your method will take much longer - we already have other parties, and they are all fringe. The only high profile candidates that are not r or d are independents, there are two in the senate.
One of them reliably caucuses with the dems - but not always. And don't say Bernie Sanders is part of the problem - he's the most rabid lefty in either house today.
By working from within one of the two parties, we won't face the hurdle of image creation and management of a new creation as a whole - this itself presents many challenges. By working within an established framework, we or our candidate can focus on the issues, rather than issues and party image too.
As a long term solution you might be right - your approach might prove to have the possibility of providing longer term solutions - but I have doubt.
I have doubt because whatever we do, there is no short answer. In the Senate only one third of the body comes up for election every two years.
It simply is not possible given the construct, to remove them all at once.
That means some of the networks of corruption will remain over the course of several elections - unless they are exposed somehow. We have got to sustain our momentum over time - how are we going to do that?
Success usually breeds more success. That's why I like the tea party template. It worked. If we have that kind of success we might build on it - if we manage to maintain honesty and integrity.
I would also point out that only one party has so far felt threatened by us.
Why is that?
Ten repelican talking points re: OWS
Forum Post: Memo spells out plan to undermine Occupy Wall Street
Original PDF Memo
while i must report a certain amount of frustration, you certainly have taken the conversation up notches, and i wish you would post some such materials on the wiki, etc, link it all up some.
"I think using your method will take much longer " In fact, using my method gives us a real potential evolution revolution in as short a time as two months and your path stalls us out playing infant to the dem party for at least another 4 years.
WHY would you think your plan would be shorter?
"- we already have other parties, and they are all fringe. The only high profile candidates that are not r or d are independents, there are two in the senate."
What does this have to do with anything? Nothing. I'm talking about building a new evolutionary party which would make all old parties obsolete including the fringe parties.
"One of them reliably caucuses with the dems - but not always. And don't say Bernie Sanders is part of the problem - he's the most rabid lefty in either house today."
Bernie Sanders is part of the problem. I'm a radical moderate, see?
"By working from within one of the two parties, we won't face the hurdle of image creation and management of a new creation as a whole - this itself presents many challenges."
Image creation? again, this MUST be done by SOLVING The problems FOR REAL, any other way of doing it is MAKE BELIEVE.
" By working within an established framework, "
Designed and implemented by fascist control freak oligarchs for the explicit purpose of shutting us out...
"we or our candidate can focus on the issues, rather than issues and party image too." Democrats are ignorant ideologues and sleepwalking zombot oligarchs. They are not going to FOCUS on the issues in a meaningful way or they would have done that already. EVERY move mad by obama from 50 new nuclear power plants to our continued involvement in assorted wars to his continuation of megacorp lies about green energy... the list goes on and on. The dems ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM, they have a problem solving tree which involves FASCIST CONTROL and ZERO SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH.
"As a long term solution you might be right - your approach might prove to have the possibility of providing longer term solutions - but I have doubt."
Again, seriously i don't understand why the muggles in your civilization make believe that they know what they are talking about. You really don't know, you really have no basis for comparisons, you have a zero information model based on opinion and your own ideological attachments, and you are regurgitating then out of the box arguments cookie cuttered by the dems for co opting things. While it certainly seems sincere, its also evil and OLD. Remember the last time your team sold us out for the lesser of two evils and the dems won and we got OBAMA? Hello?
Thats not working out so well, pay attention. Stupidity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results.
"I have doubt because whatever we do, there is no short answer. "
Again, the short short answers is stop fumbling around and accidentally playing off sides and have a paradigm shift, it would only take 10 thousand people 100 hours each to build what could then go viral.
"In the Senate only one third of the body comes up for election every two years."
Which is why replacing a full third of them in one election sends the right message to either get with the program or get replaced, there is also senatorial impeachment and recall, the vote recently for martial law double plus +++ could be considered in fact a Constitutional act of treason... Theres no reason why we can't put that into motion to have them ALL removed IMMEDIATELY.
"It simply is not possible given the construct, to remove them all at once."
that may be true, but that only means we must immediately remove as many as possible, and put the rest on notice or remove them legally but outside of the electoral process.
File charges against them for treason. MOST of them are guilty of it HUNDREDS of times.
"That means some of the networks of corruption will remain over the course of several elections - unless they are exposed somehow. "
Finally, your mind drifts. Its only a question of doing the research and legal work.
"We have got to sustain our momentum over time - how are we going to do that?" By working the problems in a deep and evolutionary manner and getting to every last issue anybody brings up. on stack. prioritized,. using consensus process GAs and formally facilitated WIKIs.
"Success usually breeds more success. That's why I like the tea party template. It worked."
No, it failed, actually, and must fail, because all of the tea parties ideas are actually more ways to light civilization on fire.
The tea party only proved that all of its ideas were poorly considered ideologue moronity, because they DIDN"T do open source meaningful research or problem solving, the tea party is now OUT and unmasked and is taken about as seriously as 911 truthers.
" If we have that kind of success we might build on it - if we manage to maintain honesty and integrity.
I would also point out that only one party has so far felt threatened by us.
Why is that? "
Because the other parties master plan is to co-opt, and people like you are smart but dumb enough to fall for it in the inverse.
I like your fire. I mean, we absolutely agree things have got to change.
I guess I see part of it this way - we have this huge national belief system, and it has commitments of a sort, to various things - like our idols for example.
If, as a group, we don't fit within the over all system of belief - what would you call it, a meta-belief system? then we face widespread rejection.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that while the public is discontent it provides the opening for restructuring of the belief system and for trying some new things on a large social scale. But that tolerance will only go so far.
And with things like the Tar Sands Oil Pipeline on the horizon, and the fact we are over 380 ppm - I guess I sense a bit of pressure to get this done - or as much as we can before the window of opportunity closes.
And I've looked at some of the wiki - I'm not sure what you want there. Talk to me.
Meta Issues
Ego Centered Front Burnerism- Whats wrong with putting your pet issue to the front of the priority list.
Assorted Calls for "Demands"
Oubliettes, Chit Chat machines, and other dead ends.
[edit] Occupy Issues
Corporate Oligarchy
Direct Democracy
Article 5 Convention
End The FED
Reinstate Glass -Steagall Act
Corporate Personhood
Ephemeral/ Bubble Economics
Get Money Out of Politics
Credit Unions
Money as Debt
Corporate Oligarchy
Ron Lawl Position Papers and Issues
Military Abuse
Campaign Finance Reform
dumble down
Global Warming
Non Violence Training For Police
End Domestic Nuclear Power
Congressional Insider Trading
Police Abuse, Corruption, Misconduct, and Treason
Quotes of the Elites Regarding Depopulation and New World Order
Depopulation Plan of the Elites
USA sold Tear Gas to Egypt
What Will the New Economic System Be?
Crooked, Evil, Corrupt Corporate Oligarchy Supreme Court
Israel; A Fascist Rogue State
The Shocking Truth about the OWS Crackdown
War On Terror Is a Hoax
911 was an inside Job
Tea Party Would End Social Security
Republicans Detached From Reality [edit] Topical List of Main Issue Fields
Civil Rights
Energy and Environment
Environment + Ecology
Mass Transit
Homeland Security
Foreign Policy
Middle East
Senior Citizens
Rural And Urban
Family And Community
Gender And Human Sexuality Issues
Media Reform
Washington (and Government) ETHICS
Religion + Spirituality
Space Exploration + Colonization
War on Drugs
Manufactured Distractions
Miscellaneous Issues
==== Issue [edit] Issue Brainstorming
Step 1: Brainstorm and Critique [edit] Humor And Wit [edit] Seasonal Issues
um, yes, I think I saw that page. This tells me nothing about what you think you want me to do - perhaps it should be obvious and I'm being dense, I don't know.
We would like to announce the Grand Opening of the Website. It is and will continue forever to be under construction, but there is now more than enough structure to organize and facilitate other efforts.
We would like to invite you there as a participant, and this is VERY important, PLEASE come to the wiki and become a Participant, or find people with whom you can network who have internet Access and get them to come to the Wiki to represent your end of the Network, and to keep you plugged into the process, and information regarding what is going on there.
This Wiki is CRUCIAL to the meaningful evolution of our species, It is CRUCIAL to human survival beyond this Century, and it is HOW all of WE can ever hope to give full and meaningful attention to the very LARGE NUMBER OF IMPORTANT ISSUES.
Please then, Consider what A General Assembly does for us. It is evolutionary, it is consensus and community building, it is 5 or ten minutes for you to speak live and in person and eye to eye and heart to heart with other people about the issue that matters to you. This is evolutionary, this is powerful, this is how we bring hundreds of years of knowledge thats being held back and hidden back from behind the veil; However, what we all know is that our personal important issue NEEDS MORE THAN THAT. It needs new laws written on its behalf. It needs open source research. It needs open source problem solving and democratic, consensus driven, direct democracy fueled problem solving process. If we gave each sub issue its own time and space to resolve inside of a GA, that would take WEEKS, or MONTHS or EVEN YEARS to iron out in a GA, PER ISSUE. How do we expand direct democracy fast enough, how do we accelerate direct democracy till its smooth as greased lightning instead of feeling stuck? How do we all come away from the GAs of next year feeling like our issue has been actually listened to and heard and resolved and addressed by the masses, instead of feeling like our own personal issue has been more or less ignored while some ego driven internal oligarch pressed ahead with organizing tens of thousands of people to do anything other than the WORK on the INTELLECTUAL LEVEL that CONSTRUCTS a REVOLUTION by means of a PARADIGM SHIFT... Instead of Demonstrating ourselves silly; But achieving still next to nothing and certainly not an end to Corporate Oligarchy, which has its plan to Co-opt the movement and make it work for the ELITES and oligarchs.
Please Consider carefully HOW we will build the NEW POSSIBLE WORLD. More important than HOW we will protest or WHERE, is the more fundamental Question of What does OUR NEW WORLD of DEMOCRATIC and CIVILIZED society Look like,(??!??) in terms of ITS ANSWERS and SOLUTIONS to EVERY high order problem. Only protesting but not doing that intellectual work, we can fail to have a revolution. The right order of the revolution should have been, First get mass educated, first form a new political party, first call for an article 5 Constitutional convention, and THEN once the message is 10,000 pages long and crystal clear , edited by ten thousand people with one person actually authoring a single page... about their core important issue to them...
THEN You'd take to the streets, THEN you'd start protesting, THEN you'd start occupying. The Occupy Movement put the cart before the horse. Okay, well, On a moving along and clear and present and how do we fix it note then, How do we DO THE WORK and get the Cart and horse in the RIGHT ORDER.???
There is a Giant Dam created by republican and democrat propaganda war dumble down and oligarchic control and intentional damage they have done to our so called educational system. 200 years of social and civil intellectual progress is being held back by 200 years of lies, spin doctoring, dumble down, and the simple meta function of keeping the public ignorant.
If you want then ONE SINGLE METHOD by which to END THE GAME. STOP BEING IGNORANT. Tell everyone and tell the world and stop running from the work, and crack open 1001 textbooks as a mob and then learn and only AFTER you have knowledge, TRY? TO USE KNOWLEDGE, not OPINION, to work and solve the problems. Everyone has to let go of their opinions, of their pet issues, of their biases, of their agendas, of their team sport ISMS and SCHISMS which are the bread and circuses THIS holy roman cathar empire uses to keep us divided and conquered and forever sequestered away from intellectual and thus spiritual Enlightenment.
The movie "The Matrix" is a fine metaphor for a real phenomenon. You are all being kept inside of a mental cage composed of FALSE inforamtion and that FALSE information would be utterly destroyed and that SYSTEM of FALSE INFORMATION would be utterly destroyed IF you all SWAM TO THE TRUTH TOGETHER. It is the latent power of SOCIOLOGY, CIVIL ENGINEERING, POLITICAL SCIENCE, SYSTEMS THEORY, GAME THEORY, ECOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS, PSYCHOLOGY, FORMAL LOGIC, EDUCATIONAL THEORY, and BRAIN ANATOMY which open those doors which are closed. Unlike in the movie, all the doors are as closed or as open as you have the time and energy to pay attention for. The TRUTH is OUT HERE. And it is waiting for you. And it is in many senses hunting you. AND IT WILL FIND YOU, IF YOU LET IT.
There is a Giant Dam of lies and spin and emotional control and head games built by 200 years of democrat and republican and oligarchic party propaganda machine. And that Dam must break sooner or later as their con scam actualy destroys civilization entropically. The writing is on the wall. Your Civilization is doomed. The infant Born today will not live to see adulthood unless we chart a new course for this civilization that is not CORPORATE OLIGARCHY and MASS CONSUMERIST WASTE. The idea that "capitalism" is efficient is quite amusing, because in fact "capitalism" wastes everything. Its a throw away society. Your artifacts are designed to fall apart as quickly as possible to then be replaced. Even your steele megaliths are built with explosives prepacked so that they can be destroyed once they become archaic. And the funniest thing of all is that this is done, and then they get hit with "terrorist" planes and detonate themselves into oblivion...So putting the pre self destruct function in and then MAKE BELIEVING it falls apart on accident is the true single greatest con swindle of your civilization; its hallmark feature. The same trick is employed to make light bulbs that burn out and batteries that only last a tiny fraction as long as they could have if built by science, instead of by a corporation gaming the consumerist WASTE system on the question of HOW LONG can we make this last and then SELF DESTRUCT IT in order to FORCE the ARMY of CONSUMER DUPES to BUY THE REPLACEMENT? Just like 911, your whole civilization is built to self destruct in parts, so that the oligarchs can ride the bubbles and balloons of that entropy and self immmolation and continue on, making bank on the suffering of everyone else. Corporate oligarchy wastes everything. Every resource, every life, every dime, every dollar, every last human resource, every last physical resource, all of it, sucked into a garbage making, for proffit but built to self destruct cycle.
The DAM MUST BREAK. The only question is whether we will have the sense to allow that to happen in a construtive and non violent way, or whether everyone on earth dies due to oligarchic corruption and malfeasance and negligence and Gross mismanagement of the Earth. Again, I entreat you, invite you, and incite you, to come join the revolution and make it happen on the WIKI.
Facebook is designed from the word go to create small cliques and walled gardens, to limit the actual number of voices that actually hears what you say to a very small number. You can play that game very effectively if you play all day long and hard to game their system to reach thousands instead of hundreds, but even then, you have only elastically stretched their bandwidth and control, you are walking inside of a cage. Facebook ise designed to simply pile every nodes information into a single giant pile. Every group, every page, every user, has a conversation whos contents are scrolling off the page, most likely never to be seen again only a few days from now. Face book is where people are managing to connect and thats awesome, but the utility of these social networks is merely to make those connections, from FB if we do not immediately escape to someplace with a whole lot more organizational potential, our conversations and work are all being lost in a maelstrohm of noise.
A Wiki is a simple but evolved program. Each user simply creates an account, providing an email and a user name and a password to the system. The system then creates two whole pages based on the user name, the "user page" and the "talk page" the user page is for the user to talk about themselves, and introduce themselves, and represent themselves on the network. The "Talk page" is the users page to communicate with other people in the network on the wiki. From these two main pages, the user can create any number of new pages by simply putting any string of words into brackets. [[forexamplenewpage]] Once all of that is set into motion, the software allows everyone to edit the wiki, such that a people can write a three paragraph long page, leave it, and others can continue to edit that page in their absence until it is hundreds of pages long.
This is fundamentally different than a chat or forum, because it facilitates community building, consensus style decisions, group work, and direct democracy. Its like a perpetual GA; which can go on at a global scale, in which anybody can "veto" a page by simply adding their information to the talk section of a page, or by even putting in a new headline at its top. (But usually, by having effective communication and diplomacy... please...) Sometimes an initial reaction to this is people worry that their work couldbe lost. The Wiki stores each new change independently of all others, so your version will always continue to exist in the system. If the page is trolled, or attacked, you can simply restore the version back.
So, you truly believe that a few gizmos and keystrokes will do for politics what the web did for flirting?
Third party buffoon.
The only thing you're wikiing is your wick.
I will find you everywhere.
So you are going to chase me around and troll me? lol? no, i never said gizmos and key strokes would do anything, thats your straw man. oligarchic shill. You are a troll for the oligarchy, and your plan to have them all sheepleherded back into the dem party fails because people like me aren't that stupid. Find me. every time you do you will end up looking like a class A fucktard troll; which is what you are.
The oligarchy? What century do you live in? I am wealthy, but an oligarch?
the ignorant troll doesn't even understand political science enough to know what oligarchy is.
Here, try some political science 101.
Yes, and you understand so many things that you explain with links.....douche.
I know what an oligarchy is.....but, to say that I belong to one just because I highlight your assdoucheness.