Forum Post: OWS needs a face and voice that won't scare or piss off regular people
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 11:18 a.m. EST by ARod1993
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
As it stands right now it's often fairly difficult for OWS to keep a healthy, nonthreatening presence in the media, and I feel like it's costing them a great deal in terms of public opinion and respect. It's already been stated here several times that the mainstream media has a nasty habit of going straight for the sensation, often at the expense of the truth. In our case, this means interviewing the most controversial people they can find. When you watch the footage of protests and the only people you see are idiots, anarchists, communists, tinfoil hat people, or high off their asses you're not going to think much of what you see and you're not going to be particularly happy with the movement in general. This is what's hurting us with ordinary Americans; they don't see that many of us that they can empathize with.
We can change that if we stand up and take control of the image we present to the world and the image of us the media presents to the world. I already suggested creating a PR workgroup composed almost completely of moderates and responsible for giving interviews, going on talk shows, etc. to promote us. The idea would be for OWS to shell out a couple of hundred bucks per member for a suit, a shave, and a haircut, and to require the members of the group to abstain from drugs and heavy drinking while involved. Essentially, if the face of the movement is clean, sober, articulate, clean-cut, and ideally comprised of people who were laid off of blue-collar jobs then it would be far easier for us to get support. If people felt it necessary to put checks on the PR workgroup it would always be possible to staff it on a rotating basis.
Campaign Finance Reform. Boom.
Those are all good ideas. I wish that OWS would get it's stuff together, also. What I am starting to understand is that most of the people in charge of OWS on the ground are indeed "idiots, anarchists, communists, tinfoil hat people, or high off their asses." I know that not all are like that, but that is the face that is showing, and not just in the media. It shows here in the forums, as well as in the chat rooms on the live streams, and in the content being shown on the live streams. I have have been making suggestions like yours for a while now, as have many other supporters. They seem to fall on deaf ears. They will tell you to go to a General Assembly and vote for it, or start your own protest. Unless you are jobless and without a family, those options are not viable. So what OWS ends up being run by, are people with no job and few responsibilities. Those types of people are incapable of understanding the plight of regular Americans. That's not their fault, but that they refuse to listen to any suggestions from regular Americans is their fault. I hope it all works out for the best, but I am not optimistic about it.
I know... I just don't want to see this fragment or fizzle or be an embarrassment down the line, and I want to do what I can...
Campaign Finance Reform. Boom.
I'm with you. I have been really jazzed about the whole movement. I desperately want it to succeed. What I see in the MSM, and the OWS media outlets is OWS coalescing into a hodgepodge of radicals. I think that would be fatal. I don't want to see this die, or put a bad face on future protests. If this fails, it could provide the kind of cathartic event that keeps people from organizing in the future. That would be a tragedy.
I vote for Lorenzo
What are you even talking about?
Lorenzo the boy that was on the LIVESTREAM of OWS media. Ketchup the red hair girl , that was on the media team of OWS.
OK; media team and Livestream guys would be a nice place to start, but they'd have to be fairly articulate and quick on their feet when being asked potentially hostile questions on TV and they would have to be willing to not drink too much, not do drugs, and dress/act fairly conservatively even when they're riled up. If they can do that then could see them on the PR workgroup.
Off course they are not drinked, xD, did you see "Justin" and "Ketchup" on a report on TV. mmmm can somebody help me searching the link of that report.... the reporter ( I think is a showman or some sort of comic TV ) trys to put "ketchup" and "Justin" on troubles with his question, and they make it quite good. Lorenzo also explains quite good , and hands many question given by chats, very fast and correctly.
I vote for Ketchup