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Forum Post: OWS Nashville Protesters/Campers ordered to vacate THE PEOPLE'S Legislative Plaza by 8pm tonight...

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 10:32 a.m. EST by FrogWithWings (1367)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

after just yesterday being told they could inhabit Legislative Plaza for as long as they were compliant with the few reasonable terms and stipulations put forth by The Man.

Anyone there know if the terms have been violated or have Nashville's legislators decided to see how fun it will be to wind up it's own jack booted thugs and give them some protester control exercises while trying out new toys and weapons paid for by it's citizens?



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[-] 1 points by JPB950 (2254) 13 years ago

OWS Nashville actually called for the meeting with officials! They had security concerns, apparently the city is using OWS Nashville's inability to police itself as a reason to evict. Theft, fighting, drinking are all causing serious security problems and it looks like the city is taking the easy way out. Rather then spending the time, effort, and manpower to guard the encampment, they are simply clearing the park to end the problem.

[-] 0 points by Rob (881) 13 years ago

why not pay for private security yourselves?

[-] 1 points by rickMoss (435) 13 years ago

We have to be smarter and get organized or we are going to keep getting pushed around.

Read “Common Sense 3.1” at ( www.revolution2.osixs.org )